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  • Aimée Beekman
    Aimée Beekman (aastani 1953 Aimée Malla, passis Aime; Tallinna Püha Vaimu koguduse ristimisraamatus Aimeé,sündinud 20. aprillil 1933 Tallinnas) on eesti kirjanik. Lõpetas 1956. aastal Üleliidulise Kin...
  • Woldemar Gf. von Tiesenhausen (1845 - 1915)
    Paul Gf. von Tiesenhausen oli aastail 1884–1886 Eestimaa rüütelkonna peamees ja 1886–1889 Eestimaa maanõunik.*
  • ? Malla (deceased)
  • ? Malla (deceased)
  • ? Malla (deceased)

About the Malla surname

Malla dynasty of Nepal was founded by Ari Dev ,and by his son Abhayamalla ,ruling until about 132 BC ,
that corresponds to 1255 of the currently used global aera of begin in 1387 BC .

Ari Dev ,given to his father,is a name that refers to the first king of Hiero-Solyma in the Holy Land of
America,at river Solimoes ,to Ed-Da-ya-Wa-Da ,called Suya-Yakka Waedda in Ceylon ,
ancestor of Wedda people ,ruling in it from about 1116 until 1083 BC ,commonly called "David".
His name in Scandinavian tradition was Alrik ,that is All-Rich ,given also the later Alarik,alias Daowudi
of the Toba-Gotsh kingdom of Wei ,while in Brittannia they new him as Cunedagius ( Kuneda-Ag-i ) ,
as well as Corbredus ( Corbel-Red ) , or in Ireland as Fail-Dearg-Doid ,that mean Red-Stone David .

He is the ancestor of Ariki chiefs of Polynesia too ,later called Ariki Iti ,that is Little David,after the
appearance on the scene of the Ari'i Nui ,the New or Big David ,who is Ari'i Dave .
The latter ,the New David was called Anarawd ( Andar-Daud ) in Wales ,ruling until about 149 BC ,
that is 916 of the aera of begin in 1065 BC used in Northern countries ,and Acunta ( Ag-Kun'da ) in
Lambaye-Que of Peru,founders of which might have come from Lambaye in Senegambia ,
where he was known as Abdu Darday ,that is Abba-Daud-Ar-Dewi .
All these names refer to him as the New David .

Others of his names describe him as a Rhinoceros ,that he as first man had the nature of ,such as
Masinissa ( Maha-Sing-Nihsaha ) in Numidia ,Bikoru 8 Big-Horn-Woe ) in Bornu ,and Roca Didu in Cuzco ,
the David of Arauca ,,that corresponds to Rka Didi and to Ragas Didis in Georgian and Prussian respectively,
both of meaning Big Horn too .
In Indonesia he was Ken Arok Sri Ranggah ,in Borneo Aki Nunuk Ragang,in Champa Sri Aragang ,
in Oceania Te Uruaki Kena and in Mongolia Te-Uruaki-Ole-Kayena ,and so on .
He also founded the Shunga dynasty of India ,where he was called Pushyamitra ,corresponding to Prusias
of Bithynia ,while Prussians thesleves had him as Dievas Oko-Pirms ,the David or deity of the Auka-Purum ,
that is their Ngünechen ( Nge-Wüne-Che-'N) ,"that who has his eyes in the front" ,what Okopirms literally
means too .
He is the ancestor of the real ,Rhinoceros nobility all around the globe .None of any nagas .

Abhaya-Malla was thus one of his at least ten sons ,whose name literally means Fearless Wrestler ,
but could also or rather be interpreted as Abba-Ya(g)m'ha'alla ,that is "father",or rather chief of Yamhalla
or Yamhill tribe ,who were descended from Ag-Ha-Me-ya-'Alla ,a grandson of She-'Ayala, son of
Shem-Meg-Raya-Na ,one of the twelve ancestors of the Chosen people,called Hermés Trismegistos by
Greek Aigyptians .
She-'Ayala was to name Ceylon after,and his aforesaid grandson may be the ancestor of Chighil-Yaagm'ha
tribes of Turkestan .
The original home of the tribe was in Chile and Patagonia ,where the Chiquillame ( Chighil-Yaagme ) and
other Ya'me tribes still live ,or until recently lived ,and where the Chighil-Yaagm'ha might well have emigrated
from towards Asia,as one of the tribes called there also Chile or Gaoche .
As Milkayak ,they may be related to the Ta-Mil Yakka ,if such people exist .
Yamhills live ,together with Che-Mapho ,Santiame ( Santiag-Me ) ,and other tribes of likely Chilean origin ,
also in North America .

Being the king of people of Ceylon ,Abhayamalla may be identical with Kal-(D)inga Magha ,called also
Kayan-Kula ,ruler of Sri Lanka also until 132 BC ,and with Kaya Maghan ,called also Dinga ,king of the
Soninke or Silabe of Wagadu ,a people now affiliated as Mande ,by language .
The latter ,called Sarakule as well,may be closerly related also to the Sariquli of the Pamir ,who might have
been Abhayamalla's people too .
He may also be identical with Agamakiya ,that is Aga-Ma-Kiya ,founder of Mandwara ,that is Mande-Wara
kingdom of Wandala people .

One of Masinissa's son was Massugrada ( Mansa-Wa-Grada ) ,who might have been the Mansa,
that is emperor of Wag'adu ,his death date is unknown .
He may also be identical with Daa-Mansa Wula-Ding .
The original Wagadu ,called by times Agada ,Silla,Dierra and finally Wagadu ,may be identical with
Er-Ga-Wa-Ra-Daya-Wa-Da ,that is Daya-Er-Ra Wa-Ga-Da-Wa or Dierra-Wagadu ,the aforesaid capital
of the Holy Land and city of the Waedda

This subtribe of the Hermions ,the one of the Ceylonese might have been the one members of which in
the 8th century BC ,moved to a place called Ga(n)dara or perhaps Get-Dara ,that might be Gandhara or Gedrotia .
They included men of names like A-Wa-Shawa-Ma-'alla ,an ancestor of later Somalians and of some of the
Soninke-Malinke ,whose people thus might have also taken part in the foundation of Malla kingdom of Nepal ,
or A-Rab-Pa-Wa-Ha ,who may be a Horpa ancestor ,who in this case would be the successors of some Yaghmas ,
or A-Wa-Malla-Ke and his brother ,A-Wa-ya-Sha-Ha ,possibly a Shihu ancestor .
Others of the above mentioned ,sons of A-Wa-Shar-Gawa , proceeded to A-Shar-Gawar-Ra and might have
become after intermingling with Türks the Sarayugur chiefs .All of them are thus Chile peoples .
The Hermions were in close relation from the beginning with the people of A-Wa-Sha-Mar-Ga-'Alla ,
son of A'a-Berra-Hamma ,that is of Brahma ,the Donkey Man ,whose language is nowadays is spoken by
Somalians and other related peoples .

So all the above said peoples might have participated in the establishment of Malla kingdom led by the king
of the Globe at that time,after the holy God and his holy angels ,the New David ,Ari Dev .

See Wendi,Walshman,Welshman,Vajda,Mandinga,Ceylon,Colombo,Somalia,Badár,Chile,Gaucho,Pakistan,
Magyari ,Weimann,Gáldi ,Majsay,Majsai and others !

Balázs Déri