Noble surnames, such as Medina, evoke images of the ancient homeland of the Spanish people. The original bearer of the name Medina, which is a local surname, once lived, held land, or was born in the beautiful region of Spain. In Spain, hereditary surnames were adopted according to fairly general rules and during the late Middle Ages, names that were derived from localities became increasingly widespread. Local names originally denoted the proprietorship of the village or estate. Many Spanish local names reflect Arabic words or place-names because Spain was conquered by the Muslim Moors from the 8th to 12th centuries. The Medina family originally lived in the town named Medina. Medina was a common place-name in the Iberian Peninsula during the Muslim occupation because it was the Arabic word for town.
Read more: http://www.houseofnames.com/medina-family-crest#ixzz1EzPXqQVO
Balázs Déri :
Medina in Arabia ,after which some Medina families may be named ,called also Dar-El-Salam ,
and in the antiquity Iathrippa, ,later Arabized as Yathrib ,the City ,that is Medina of the Prophet ,
may be a colony of the original Medina in the Holy Land of America ,which may be the one now
called Medadannya in the native Ye'kwana language ,located at the mountain Yenna-Madi ,
also called Duida ,in Venezuela ,after it eventually might once have been be called Madi-Yenna .
The name Iathrippa may derive from I-Watsh'-Ri(n)pa ,which corresponds to Rinpochhe in the language of Tibet ,
which means a Jewel,and thus a Smaragd too .
This may be the reason Medadannya is called in Spanish La Esmeralda ,as to the idea ,and at the same time,
as to the form ,for it is an angramma of Dar-El-Salaem .
I-Watshe-Ri(m)-Pa may involve referance to the name of the region this complex of mountain ranges and
the town itself is situated in ,which traditionally was Parima .
A large lake was said once to have been here .
This Medina might have been the one the prophet Mahamed fled into ,in about 76 AD ,that is 622 of the
Persian aera of begin in 546 BC ,from Mecca .
The nearby mountain called Marahuaca may correspond to MYRWH ,that is Ma-ya-Rawa-Ha in the Byble,
which is also Meruh in the Hindu traditions ,the mountain at Shambhalla ,which means the same as
Salam in Arabian ,or may mean Ma-Rawa-Ha-KA ,that is the other Meruh .
A side of it is called Atawa-Shiho by the natives ,which is the equivalent of At-Sha-Wa-'A-Yen-Na ,
a mountain at the capital of the Holy Land ,Hiero-Salém ,that is WRYShLM ,or Ur-Islam .
Another elevation in the surrounding is called Kushamakari ,which may derive from the word KUSHAM
in the Timotean dialects ,meaning head,so this may be the one called Golgotha .
Nowadays ,as suggested , the Makiritare language prevails in the region ,but there might have been
earlier inhabitants from the tribe of Asha-Laha ,son of WHYDH ,after whom Lhasa ,the capital of Tibet
might have been named .Indeed ,it is written that from this tribe ,the sons of Ar-Ga-Shawa-Ha once
lived around WRYShLM ,and they are the Shuara ,also called Hiwaro .
The Makiritare themselves may be related to the MaCqil ,that is Mag-Re-Qil tribe of Arabia ,
and as a people of Rawam-Ma-Ha ,the central kingdom which the Irish called Tara ,may therefore be
called Mag-Qil-Re-Tara .
There is also the Albiriano tribe in the vicinity ,who may be named after Albiorix ,who might have been
Albio(n)-Rig ,the Mars of Gaul .
In this sense ,they could be called Ar-Ab ,that is Mars' tribe .
Indeed,they are from the Ara(b)-Wak(a) stock ,whose name can be interpreted as Black Arab or Holy Arab ,
meaning Arab from the Holy Place of Islam .
Arawaks in general are descended from KLB ,that is Ak-La-Ba ,after whom they are sometimes called B'lak ,
from another branch of WHYDH's tribe .
A Black Arab is also a Sudanese,because aswad means black in Arabian .
This could mean that the Albi-Gens of Gallia may stem from Mohammed's Arab people .
Genuine cArabs though may be Ar-Gal-Rab ,that is Big-Big Mars in the languages of Ku-Engur and Ku-Iru ,
the two main provinces of Mesopotamia respectively, and may be the people of NMRYD ,the wolf race .
The first Holy Shrine though was built ,by 'BRHM ,in Mecca ,which is not identical with Medina .
See Morrocco,Saluma,Kamenek,Talisman,Maimun,Sugár,Schugar,Black,Blak,Blackmore,Oblak,Bolivia,Nama,
Vladimirsky,Donalds,Donlad,Donaldson,MacDonald,McDonald,Bailador,Mizsei,Mauro,Moro,Mauri ,
Lérida,Galera,Laki,Sabini,Freytag and others !