Osman khan ruled at oguz nation from about 40 until 25 b.c. that correspondes to 1324 of italians' count used all over nowadays. He was succeeded by Oyunak,Esli,Saban,Turan and Ali khans until Dukak alias Timur-yel-Leng took over power in 49 for a reign of mere 7 years after which was followed by his brother Arslan ( Iuda/ Aristobul/ Konstantin ) who ruled just until prophete Muhammad emerged from Arabia in 622 according to persians counting from the days of Dareios in 546 b.c. that is equal to 76 a.b.
His antecessors were his grandfather Kara-Bugra for 90 - I guess: - half-years between about 122 and 77 who may perhaps be idenatical with either Alexander Ionatha or his brother Ab-Salem of the Hasamonai family,and before Kara-Alp brother of Uladmur ( Ka-Haraald-Ap ?), and earlier Kurs Yabkui from 323 when Alexander gave over power of the world .
As similar names occur in both branches ,like Orhan / Hyrkan both meaning hurricane or orcane familiar for inhabitants of the Holy Land , it is very likely to me he descended from the family of Mattathia and of Iuda Makkabai.
See Drábik,Gubicza,Izdency,Istanbul,Bajor,Papp,Rebug,Bruder,Brodnik,Ashkenazi,Indig,Slaninka,Banard,Coel,Alexander,Rajkay,Karaimov,Türk,Balkar,Karacsay,Kamil,Arsch .
Balázs Déri