Surnames » Boekhorst » Profiles

Aaltje Boekhorst (deceased)

Aaltje Bodt (1905 - 1985)

Aaltje Scholten (te Boekhorst) (1788 - 1859)

Aaltjen Te Boekhorst (1825 - 1873)

Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Apr 9 2022, 1:50:14 UTC

Adriaan vander Boekhorst (aft.1501 - d.)

Adriaan van de Boekhorst (1435 - d.)

Adriaan van de Boekhorst (1340 - d.)

Adriaan van de Boekhorst (deceased)

Adriaen van de Boekhorst (b. - 1500)

Adriana Hol (deceased)

Adriana Gol (c.1811 - 1856)

Adriana Francina Welter (1866 - d.)

Aeltje Lucas Boekhorst (deceased)

Agnes te Boekhorst (1803 - 1889)

parents: Everhardus te Boekhorst e1765-1842, Willemina Elsink 1766-1834.

Agnes Boekhorst (1731 - 1795)

Albartus Boekhorst (1839 - 1906)

Alberdina Boekhorst (1828 - d.)

Albertus Boekhorst (1753 - c.1850)

Albertus Boekhorst (1833 - 1850)

Reference: FamilySearch Family Tree - SmartCopy : Aug 7 2023, 19:10:30 UTC

Albertus Boekhorst (Boeckhorst) (deceased)

Albertus Boekhorst (c.1680 - d.)

Aleida Geertruida te Boekhorst (deceased)

Aleida Geertruida van Gelder (te Boekhorst) (1818 - d.)

Aleida Boekhorst (deceased)

Aleida Hoopman (c.1756 - 1823)

Aleida te BOEKHORST (1846 - 1869)

Aleida Lendering (b. - 1855)

parents: Joannis Lendering, Johanna Blumer.

Aleida te BOEKHORST (1793 - 1870)

Aleida Peters (deceased)

Aleida Boekhorst (1778 - 1810)

parents: Oswald Buckhorst 1726-1794, Anna Margaretha Kröll 1735-1795

Aleida te Boekhorst (1808 - 1868)

Aleida Geertruid Immink (deceased)

Aleida Bennink (deceased)

Aleid / Alida / Aleyd van der / den Boekhorst (aft.1590 - c.1642)

Aleijda Bruens (deceased)

Aleijda Boekhorst (1774 - 1850)

Aleijda van Raaij (te Boekhorst) (deceased)

Aleijda Boekhorst (1772 - 1859)

Alida Ahlers (Boekhorst) (c.1792 - d.)

Alijda Ageling (Boekhorst) (deceased)

Alijd van de Boekhorst (c.1370 - bef.1426)

Bron: Boek; 'Over macht en overwicht: stedelijke elites in Leiden (1420-1510)', door Hanno Brand.

Alverade Scoutate (deceased)

Alydt van de Boekhorst (Sayt) (deceased)

Andreas Arnoldus te Boekhorst (1808 - d.)

godparents: Margaritha Vos, Gerardus Wenting.

Andreas Boekhorst (1696 - 1732)

parents Gerrit te Boeckhorst. Aeltje Lucas. website: Genealogie Boeckhorst [ ].

Andreas te Boekhorst (1730 - 1822)

Andreas te Boekhorst (te Boeckhorst) (1764 - 1834)

Andries te Boekhorst (deceased)

Sources: Genealogie Boekhorst (Terborg)

Anna Berendina te Boekhorst (1859 - d.)

GEDCOM Source ===Niederlande, Zivil-Geburten, 1811-1915 MyHeritage Civil registration—the recording of births, marriages, and deaths by civil authorities—was officially instituted in the Netherlands on...

Anna Catharine Driessen (1806 - d.)

Anna Elisabeth Te Boekhorst (Beekman) (1894 - 1941)

Updated from MyHeritage Family Trees via father Gerrit Beekman by SmartCopy : Mar 10 2015, 10:36:50 UTC

Anna Gertrudis Dudoc (1804 - 1859)

parents: Hendrik Dudoc, Maria Thuis.

Anna Margaretha Boekhorst (1735 - 1795)

Anna Margaretha Schipper (deceased)

Anna Margreta Boekhorst (Monreal) (deceased)

Anna Maria te Boekhorst (c.1787 - 1829)

Anna Kniesen (deceased)

Anna van Brinck (deceased)

Anna Elisabeth Mol (Te Boekhorst) (1919 - 1999)

Updated from MyHeritage Family Trees via mother Anna Elisabeth Te Boekhorst (born Beekman) by SmartCopy : Mar 10 2015, 10:41:34 UTC

Anna Helena Schraven (1840 - 1897)

Anna Boekhorst (c.1808 - d.)

Anna Theodora Boekhorst (1829 - 1858)

Anthonius Jacobus te Boekhorst (c.1902 - d.)

Antje van Wingerden (1879 - 1925)

parents: Bartholomeus van Wingerden, Adriana Maria Bosman.

Antonetta Reemers (Boekhorst) (1831 - 1914)

Antonetta Huberdina van den Broek (1898 - 1967)

Antonetta Boekhorst (1831 - 1914)

Antonia Maria Johanna Martens (1902 - d.)

Antonia Boekhorst (c.1783 - d.)

Antonia Boekhorst (deceased)

Antonia Hendrika Sipkes (1892 - 1971)

Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Dec 15 2023, 0:05:01 UTC

Antonia Boekhorst (deceased)

Antonia Boekhorst (1811 - 1888)

Anton Boekhorst (b. - 1969)

Antonius Boekhorst (1814 - 1888)

Antonius Gerardus Boekhorst (1915 - 1969)

Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Dec 15 2023, 0:05:01 UTC

Anton Boekhorst (1904 - 1963)

Marriage on September 30, 1926 in Duiven (Netherlands)=Father of groomWilhelmus Theodorus Albertus Boekhorst, tuinman by professionMother of groom Marie Gallé, no profession=Groom Anton Boekhorst, 22 y...

Arie Boekhorst (1767 - d.)

Arnolda te Boekhorst (deceased)

Arnoldus Hendricus Boekhorst (1845 - 1928)

Arnoldus te Boekhorst (1784 - 1838)

GEDCOM Source ===Niederlande, standesamtliche Trauungen, 1811-1940 MyHeritage Civil registration—the recording of births, marriages, and deaths by civil authorities—was officially instituted in the Net...

Arnoldus Boekhorst (1767 - 1845)

Arnoldus Bernardus te Boekhorst (1852 - 1858)

GEDCOM Source ===Niederlande, Zivil-Geburten, 1811-1915 MyHeritage Civil registration—the recording of births, marriages, and deaths by civil authorities—was officially instituted in the Netherlands on...

Badeloch van Wassenaar (deceased)

Badeloge Jansdr. van de Boekhorst (deceased)

C3002 1506 Gerrit van Woerden van Vliet en Anna Ruijchrock van de Werve Woonden op Boekhorst; ☼ () Willem, Floris, Jan, Balich en Adriana ♂ () Jan van Woerden van Vliet en Badeloge Jansdr. van de Boe...

Bartha Schmitt (1896 - d.)

Bartholomea Boekhorst (1751 - d.)

Berendina Harmina Hulshof (te Boekhorst) (deceased)

Berendina Laanen (Boekhorst) (c.1749 - 1824)

Bernardus te Boekhorst (1820 - 1898)

Bernardus te Boekhorst (deceased)

Bernardus Mattheus te Boekhorst (1879 - 1942)

Berndina Gertruda Johanna Boekhorst (1893 - d.)

Carel Johannes Te Boekhorst (1861 - 1920)

Carel Johannes Te BoekhorstFödelse: 23 jun 1861 - Strijen, South Holland, The Netherlands Död: 2 apr 1920 - Oegstgeest Föräldrar: Frederik Te Boekhorst, Wilhelmina Francisca Te Boekhorst (born De Waard...

Carlijn Mann (Boekhorst) (1902 - 1983)

Catharina Aleida te Boekhorst (1842 - d.)

Catharina te Boekhorst (Kemperman) (deceased)

Catharina Cornelissen (deceased)

Catharina van Zwieten (van Swieten) (deceased)

Catharina te Boekhorst (deceased)