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Name |
Adélaïde Fortin (1884 - d.) Notes * Génome mitochondrial haplogoupe «W» ( source ). * Location info: Saint-Prime (birth); a habité Hébertville |
Agnès Cloutier (1673 - 1761) Women in Nouvelle France where not known by their husband's names Her godfather was Pierre Bribant and her godmother, Anne Auber === GEDCOM Source ===Canadian Genealogy Index, 1600s-1900s Genealogical ... |
Agnès Fortin (c.1775 - c.1859) GEDCOM Source ===@R1450729002@ Quebec, Genealogical Dictionary of Canadian Families (Tanguay Collection), 1608-1890 Operations, Inc. Dictionnaire généalogique des familles can... |
Augustin Magloire Fortin (1739 - 1800) GEDCOM Source ===@R-2147362169@ Actes d’état civil et registres d’église du Québec (Collection Drouin), 1621 à 1967 Publication en ligne - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 20... |
Barbe (Blanche) Gagnon (Fortin) (1654 - 1737) Notes * Location info: Québec (birth), Château-Richer (marriage), Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré (marriage), L'Islet (death) |
Barbe Fortin (Lessard) (c.1658 - 1737) Notes * Location info: Québec (birth), Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré (marriage), L'Islet (death)* Possiblement seigneur des Éboulements (à vérifier) |
Boniface Fortin (1832 - 1907) Notes * Lieux info: Baie-Saint-Paul (naissance, mariage)* Il était cultivateur de métier.** Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Nov 1 2022, 22:07:46 UTC |
Brigitte Tremblay (Fortin) (1708 - 1783) |
Castle Blanche Understock (Fortin) (1903 - 1972) Name: Castle Understock Titles and Terms: Event Type: Census Event Date: 1940 Event Place: Logan Township, Clark, South Dakota, United States Gender: Female Age: 37 Marital Status: Married Race (Origin... |
Catherine Félicité Simard (1746 - 1790) GEDCOM Source ===@R1450729002@ Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 Operations, Inc. Drouin Collection 1,1091::0 Institut Généalogique Droui... |
Catherine Marguerite Fortin (1599 - c.1650) GEDCOM Source ===Geni World Family Tree MyHeritage The Geni World Family Tree is found on Geni is owned and operated by MyHeritage. Collection 40000 MH:S500002 === GEDCOM Source === 4 Cat... |
Catherine Biville (Biville Picard) (1674 - 1746) Notes * Location info: Petite-Rivière (birth,death), Québec (marriage); habitait Petite-Rivière (1699) === GEDCOM Source ===@R950485176@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ances... |
Catherine Bonhomme dite Beaupré (1677 - 1745) GEDCOM Source ===@R1050710867@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. === GEDCOM Source ===Ancestry Fam... |
Catherine Godin (c.1659 - 1746) Sources: Baptism: Généalogie Québec, - acte/39574 Marriage to Louis Fortin: Généalogie Québec, - acte/47382 Gaudin, Catherine (1659 - ) ... |
Charles René Damiens Dit Fortin (c.1838 - 1919) Reference: Geneanet Genealogy - SmartCopy : Dec 23 2019, 14:38:32 UTC |
Christophe Fortin (1798 - c.1871) |
Eugène Fortin (1857 - d.) (See French) |
Eustache Fortin (1658 - 1736) Sources: Geneanet GEDCOM Source @R-1195646461@ Quebec, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 Operations Inc 1,1091::0 |
Félicité Bouchard (c.1799 - 1836) Reference: FamilySearch Family Tree - SmartCopy : Sep 23 2019, 16:39:24 UTC |
Flavie Simard (1812 - 1892) Notes * Lieux info: Baie-Saint-Paul (naissance,décès), Saint-Urbain (mariage)** Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Nov 1 2022, 22:02:35 UTC |
François Fortin (1827 - 1914) (See French) |
François Fortin (c.1729 - c.1788) |
Francois Fortin (1722 - 1791) Sources: Genealogie Eastmill GEDCOM Source @R-1574695084@ Quebec, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 Publication en ligne - Provo, UT, USA: Operation... |
François-Xavier Xavier Fortin (1703 - 1788) Sources=* Location info: Baie-Saint-Paul * Arbre généalogique Internet |
Geneviève Fortin (1662 - 1703) Notes * Location info: Château-Richer (birth,death), Saint-Joachim (marriage)* ID No:3904 === GEDCOM Source ===@R-1195646461@ Quebec, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 162... |
Geneviève Otis dite L'Anglais (1733 - 1789) |
Genevieve Gamache dit Lamarre (1636 - 1709) Notes * Lieux info: Isle de France, France (naissance), Cap-Tourmente (mariage), L'Islet (décès)** Lieu et date de naissance inférés du baptême.* Contrat de mariage entre Julien Fortin et Geneviève Gam... |
Genevieve Fortin (1748 - 1821) GEDCOM Source ===@R803001135@ Quebec, Genealogical Dictionary of Canadian Families (Tanguay Collection), 1608-1890 Operations, Inc. 1,2177::0 === GEDCOM Source ===Volume: Vol.... |
Genevieve Rixner (Fortin) (c.1725 - bef.1764) |
Georges-Henri Fortin (1935 - 2014) Notes * A habité à Saint-Henri-de-Taillon .* Dix-huitième maire de Saint-Henri-de-Taillon (1994-98).* Décédé à Chicoutimi . Incinéré au crématorium de l'Alliance funéraire du Royaume. Cendres inhumées ... |
Guillaume Henri Fortin (1867 - c.1920) |
Hélène Fortin-Bellefontaine (1705 - 1773) GEDCOM Note ===(CT 30-10 Louet pere) avec Jean-Baptiste Lavoie * Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : May 31 2024, 2:20:30 UTC |
Jacques Timothée Fortin (1660 - 1730) GEDCOM Note ===(CT 10 Gilles Rageot) avec Catherine BivilleFamille Fortin/Biville au complet (11 enfants) vérifiéeMariage entre Jacques Fortin fils de la paroisse de St-Joachim fils de Julien Fortin et... |
Jacques Fortin, Jr. (1691 - 1759) |
Jean-Baptiste Bernier (1710 - 1761) Married 11 Jan 1734 in Cap-St-Ignace, Montmagny, Quebec, Canada |
Jean-Baptiste Fortin (1766 - 1832) Notes * Lieux info: Baie-Saint-Paul (naissance,mariage,décès)* Il était cultivateur de métier. === GEDCOM Source ===@R1450729002@ Quebec, Genealogical Dictionary of Canadian Families (Tanguay Collectio... |
Jean-Marie Fortin (1751 - 1829) GEDCOM Source ===@R803001135@ Quebec, Genealogical Dictionary of Canadian Families (Tanguay Collection), 1608-1890 Operations, Inc. 1,2177::0 === GEDCOM Source ===Volume: Vol.... |
Jeanne Lorrain (1688 - 1716) |
Joseph Marie Fortin (1742 - 1838) GEDCOM Source ===@R803001135@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. === GEDCOM Source ===Ancestry Fami... |
Joseph Fortin (1687 - 1773) |
Joseph Fortin (c.1694 - d.) NB Not to be confused with other homonym Joseph Fortin. This person b1664 married Marie-Anne Françoise Poulin in 1691.Some sources state a death date of c1703, but this is not likely IF he is the fathe... |
Joseph-Marie Fortin (1803 - 1871) Notes * Lieux info: Baie-Saint-Paul (naissance,décès), Saint-Urbain (mariage) |
Josephte Turcotte (1727 - 1769) GEDCOM Source ===@R-1574695084@ Quebec, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 Publication en ligne - Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2008.Données originales ... |
Julien Fortin dit Bellefontaine (c.1599 - 1679) Notes * Ne pas confondre avec Julien Fortin, son fils du même nom.* Location info: Maine, France (naissance,mariage,décs), Perche, France (mariage); habitait Notre-Dame-de-Vair, Maine (1621)* Se marie ... |
Julien Fortin dit Bellefontaine, sieur de Beaupré (1621 - bef.1691) (see French)PARENTS Father Julien Fortin Mother Marie Lavye MARRIAGES (3) Spouse Genevieve Gamache dit Lamarre Marriage from 1679 to 1808 Cap-St-Ignace, Québec 1 Spouse Genevieve Gamache dit Lamarre Ma... |
Julienne Guillemin (c.1610 - d.) Notes * Location info: Perche, France (birth,marriage) |
Louise Cloutier (1676 - 1745) Louise married Eustache on 25 May 1693, in Cap-St-Ignace, Quebec. They are the parents of the following:1) Marguerite (1694-1717) md Louise Couillard 2) Francois (1695-) md Marie-Madeleine Richard 3) P... |
Louise Caron (1692 - 1760) |
Louis Fortin (deceased) GEDCOM Source ===@R453489035@, Quebec, Genealogical Dictionary of Canadian Families (Tanguay Collection), 1608-1890 (Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011). Tanguay, Cyprien.... |
Louis Fortin dit la Grandeur (Fortin) (bef.1647 - 1687) Sources: Marriage: Généalogie Québec, - acte/47382 GEDCOM Source @R400259755@ U.S. and Canada, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s Ances... |
Louis-Marie Fortin (c.1737 - 1810) GEDCOM Source ===@R1450729002@ Family Data Collection - Births Edmund West, comp. Operations Inc 1,5769::0 1,5769::1586019=== GEDCOM Source ===@R1450729002@ Quebec, Genealogical Dictionary... |
Madeleine-Valérie Fortin (Gamelin dit Cuzes) (1573 - 1628) Notes * Location info: Maine, France (birth,marriage,death) |
Madonna Louise Fortin (1933 - 1963) |
Marcelline Bard (c.1812 - d.) |
Marguerite-Élisabeth Aubertin (1707 - 1781) Notes * Location info: Sainte-Famille-de-Boucherville (birth,marriage), Québec (death) |
Marguerite-Geneviève Fortin Bellefontaine (Fortin) (1701 - 1740) GEDCOM Source ===Wayman.FTW Source Medium: Other Date of Import: Jul 13, 2001=== GEDCOM Source ===Wayman.FTW Source Medium: Other Date of Import: Jul 13, 2001 * Reference: Filae Family Trees - SmartCop... |
Marguerite Leclair (Fortin) (1744 - 1804) GEDCOM Source ===@R803001135@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. === GEDCOM Source ===Ancestry Fami... |
Marie-Anne Fortin (1688 - 1750) |
Marie-Anne Fortin (1666 - 1702) Marie-Anne was only 17 when she married Jean Picard who was 47. |
Marie-Anne Fortin (Pare) (1728 - 1760) |
Marie-Anne Françoise Allaire (Poulin) (1700 - 1731) Birth date estimated to be c1675, based on a marriage date of Oct. 25, 1691 |
Marie-Anne Fortin (1768 - 1805) GEDCOM Source ===@R-2147362169@ Actes d’état civil et registres d’église du Québec (Collection Drouin), 1621 à 1967 Publication en ligne - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 20... |
Marie-Catherine-Anne Fortin dite Lagrandeur (1679 - 1746) GEDCOM Source ===@R400259755@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. === GEDCOM Source ===Ancestry Fami... |
Marie-Dorothée Dorothée Fortin (1722 - 1790) GEDCOM Source ===@R1200493403@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. === GEDCOM Source ===Ancestry Fam... |
Marie-Élisabeth Fortin (1695 - 1733) |
Marie-Elisabeth Gamache (1737 - d.) |
Marie-Félicité Fortin (1762 - 1846) Sources=* Places: Baie-Saint-Paul , Saint-Alexis-de-Bagot * ID No: 22164 === GEDCOM Source ===@R1450729002@ Quebec, Genealogical Dictionary of Canadian Families (Tanguay Collection), ... |
Marie-Françoise Charlotte Fortin (c.1727 - c.1783) Sources=* Location info: Baie-Saint-Paul , Petite-Rivière === GEDCOM Source ===@R803001135@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files sub... |
Marie-Françoise Harnois (1730 - 1815) |
Marie-Gertrude Hudon dite Beaulieu (Hudon) (1677 - 1756) GEDCOM Source ===@R701009362@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. === GEDCOM Source ===Ancestry Fami... |
Marie-Josephte-Barbe Côté (1767 - 1837) |
Marie Josephte Fortin (c.1755 - 1842) GEDCOM Source ===@R803001135@ Quebec, Genealogical Dictionary of Canadian Families (Tanguay Collection), 1608-1890 Operations, Inc. 1,2177::0 === GEDCOM Source ===Volume: Vol.... |
Marie-Josephte Huard dite Desilets (1743 - 1815) GEDCOM Source ===@R-1574695084@ Quebec, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 Publication en ligne - Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2008.Données originales ... |
Marie Fortin (1700 - 1784) Notes * Location info: Baie-Saint-Paul (birth,marriage), Les Éboulements (death) === GEDCOM Source ===@R1200493403@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original dat... |
Marie-Josephte Fortin (Pépin) (c.1750 - 1838) GEDCOM Source ===@R803001135@ Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 Operations, Inc. 1,1091::0 === GEDCOM Source ===Institut Généalogique Dro... |
Josette Tremblay (1837 - 1901) (see French) |
Marie-Louise Gilbert (1798 - d.) |
Luce Fortin (1858 - d.) Notes * Lieux info: Baie-Saint-Paul (mariage); habitait Baie-Saint-Paul (1881), Saint-Urbain (1884,1886,1891), Saint-Joseph-d'Alma (1906), Saint-Bruno (1908), Saint-Henri-de-Taillon (1914) |
Marie-Madeleine Tremblay (1701 - 1788) |
Marie Louise Guimond (Guimont) (1693 - 1762) |
Marie Julie Simard (1774 - 1809) Reference: FamilySearch Family Tree - SmartCopy : Mar 13 2018, 22:18:06 UTC === GEDCOM Source ===@R1450729002@ Quebec, Genealogical Dictionary of Canadian Families (Tanguay Collection), 1608-1890 Ances... |
Marie Louise Bernier (Fortin) (1699 - 1749) |
Marie Dodier (1540 - d.) Notes * Location info: Habitait Notre-Dame-de-Vair, Maine, France en 1567. |
Marie Lavie (Lavye) (c.1597 - 1628) Notes * Lieux info: Maine, France (naissance,mariage,décs); habitait Notre-Dame-de-Vair, Maine (1621)* Se marie le 26 nov 1618 avec Julien Fortin à Notre-Dame-de-Vair, Maine, France.** Contrairement à ... |
Marie Fortin (Tremblay) (1697 - 1764) GEDCOM Source ===@R-2147362169@ Actes d’état civil et registres d’église du Québec (Collection Drouin), 1621 à 1967 Publication en ligne - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 20... |
Moïse Fortin (1774 - 1803) Reference: FamilySearch Family Tree - SmartCopy : Mar 13 2018, 22:18:06 UTC === GEDCOM Source ===@R1450729002@ Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 Ances... |
Narcisse "Nelson" Fortin (1860 - 1903) |
Nathalie Vachon dite Pomerleau (1810 - d.) GEDCOM Source ===@R-1574695084@ Quebec, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 Publication en ligne - Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2008.Données originales ... |
Paul Julien Fortin (1694 - 1731) Julien n'a jamias été marié à Marfie Joseph Guay. François Fortin est le fils de Julien Fortin et Marie Tremblay.The confusion was probably caused by the fact that Matrie tremblay was also married to L... |
Pélagie-Victoire Boivin (1761 - 1810) |
Rose-Délima Fortin (c.1833 - d.) Notes * Lieux info: Baie-Saint-Paul (mariage) |
Roseline Bolduc (1855 - d.) (See French) |
Rose Bouchard (1789 - 1875) Notes * Lieux info: Baie-Saint-Paul (naissance,mariage), Saint-Urbain (mariage,décès) |
Sainte (c.1661 - 1725) GEDCOM Source ===@R-1195646461@ Quebec, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 Operations Inc 1,1091::0 === GEDCOM Source ===Quebec, Vital and Church Records ... |
Simon sr Fortin (1537 - 1617) Notes * Ne pas confondre avec Simon Fortin, son fils du même nom.* Location info: Habitait Notre-Dame-de-Vair, Maine, France en 1567. |
Simon Fortin dit Bellefontaine (1572 - 1617) Notes * Location info: Maine, France (birth,marriage,death) |
Thérèse Fortin (1777 - aft.1853) GEDCOM Source ===@R1450729002@ Quebec, Genealogical Dictionary of Canadian Families (Tanguay Collection), 1608-1890 Operations, Inc. Dictionnaire généalogique des familles can... |
Thérèse Gauthier-dite-Larouche (1773 - 1808) Notes * Lieux info: Baie-Saint-Paul (naissance,mariage,décès) |
Willard William Fortin (1903 - 1959) |
Yolande Ouellet (deceased) |