Photo |
Name |
(No Name) (deceased) |
? Gho (deceased) |
2nd relation unknown (deceased) |
Ana Narcisa Allende Altamirano (c.1884 - d.) Contrajo matrimonio en Tarma, Junín, el 26 de marzo 1907.Cita de este registro: "Perú, Junín, registro civil, 1881-2005," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 19 February 2021), Pablo Baggio in entry... |
Andrea Gho (deceased) |
Ardhijanto Prajogo (Gho Hwat Tjwan) (1940 - 2015) |
ARTURO BOGGIO GHO (deceased) |
Biagio Gho (deceased) GEDCOM Note ===En la partida de nacimiento de Carlos Roses, manifiesta que es hijo de Luis Go (situación que fué corregida mediante partida de nacimiento original) donde consta que el nombre verdadero ... |
Carlo Gho (c.1889 - d.) Augusto datos del CEMLA: Apellido Nombre Edad Estado Civil Nacionalidad Lugar de Nacimiento Profesión Fecha de Arribo Barco Puerto GHO CARLO 34 S ITALIANA ALESSANDRIA AGRICULTOR 1923/11/03 FORMOSA GEN... |
Christiana Gunawan (SoanKie Gho) (1928 - d.) |
Elly Oen (deceased) |
Lim Eng Loan (1906 - d.) |
Gho Eng Tiap (deceased) |
ERNESTO GHO (1912 - d.) |
Gim Sin Gho (deceased) |
GHO Gim Tiong (b. - 1964) Meanwhile in 1964 , my father Gho Gim Tiong passed away and so the sawmill had been looked after by his brother in law Oei Soei Gie, who was then living in Akong’s house in Tanjung Balai. After his dea... |
Gin Hoa Gho (deceased) |
Gho Gin Khoan Nio (1896 - 1984) |
Tjioe Giok He Nio (c.1912 - 1943) |
Gho Giok Lie (1923 - 1942) |
Giok Poen Njoo (deceased) |
Gho Giok Sioe Nio (deceased) |
Giok Wan Tjoa (deceased) |
Goan Eng Gho (deceased) |
Gho Goan Hoat (b. - 1927) |
Goan Huat Gho (deceased) |
Gho Goan Phio (deceased) |
Goan Teng Gho (deceased) |
GHO Goan Thiap (deceased) Gho Goan Thiap (my great-grandfather) had 5 sons (Gho Hock Tiauw, Gho Hock Po, Gho Hock Tjoan, Gho Hock Seng and Gho Soon Lie), who remained in Padang except my Grandfather Gho Hock Seng (Pic 3), who m... |
Goan Tjin Gho (deceased) |
V Gho Han Teng (deceased) |
GHO Hock Seng (b. - 1945) Gho Goan Thiap (my great-grandfather) had 5 sons (Gho Hock Tiauw, Gho Hock Po, Gho Hock Tjoan, Gho Hock Seng and Gho Soon Lie), who remained in Padang except my Grandfather Gho Hock Seng (Pic 3), who m... |
Gho Ho Hoat Nio (deceased) |
Hong Giok Nio Lim-Gho (deceased) |
Lioe Hwa Nio (Leony Maria Mettawati) (1943 - 2012) |
Gho Hwat Gwan (deceased) |
Isabella Garbarino (deceased) |
Isabella Gho (deceased) |
Jang Lioe Tjan (deceased) |
Lim Jong Kie Nio (deceased) |
Gho Kaij (Kay, Kae)/(Khaij) Seng (Sing) (1870 - 1931) |
Kaij Soei Gho (deceased) |
Gho Kaij Soei (deceased) |
Gho Keng Djoe (1909 - d.) |
Gho Keng Giok Nio (deceased) |
Gho Keng Kie Nio (deceased) |
Gho Keng Kin (Fien Josephine Iriawan) (deceased) |
Gho Keng Kioe Nio (deceased) |
Gho Keng Lie (1943 - 2008) |
Lie Keng Nio (deceased) |
Gho Keng Tjiang (b. - 1890) |
Gho Keng Tjoe Nio (deceased) |
Kie Lian Gho (deceased) |
Ang Kim Hiok (deceased) |
Kim Hoa Gho (deceased) |
Kim Koei Gho (deceased) |
Kim Tian Gho (deceased) |
Gho Kim Tiok ( Kiok ) (deceased) |
Gho Kong Siang (deceased) |
Gho Lam Yang (deceased) |
Gho Lee Lie (1931 - 1984) |
CHANG Lee Sieng (1916 - 1980) death |
Gho Lian Jang (1917 - 2004) |
Gho Liat Sin (deceased) |
Gho Lie Boen Tiat (deceased) |
Robertus Gozali (Gho Lie Hiap) (1927 - 1999) |
Lim Ma Ai (deceased) |
Bernadette Gozali (Lie Loan Eng) (1927 - 2017) |
LUIGIA ROSSO (1915 - 1996) |
Luisa Gho (deceased) |
Gho Lus Tjie Nio (deceased) |
Maddalena Guazzotti (deceased) |
Maddalena Gho (deceased) |
Gho Mei Lie (1937 - 2019) |
Gho Mo Kauw (deceased) |
GHO Mo Tjio (deceased) |
Gho, name not known (from China) (deceased) |
Nie Tjie Gho (deceased) |
no name unknown name (deceased) |
Nora Gozali (Gho Koei Eng) (1918 - 2008) |
Tjoa Oen Nio (deceased) |
Pablo Angel Boggio Gho (c.1879 - d.) Contrajo matrimonio en Tarma, Junín, el 26 de marzo 1907.Cita de este registro: "Perú, Junín, registro civil, 1881-2005," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 19 February 2021), Pablo Baggio in entry... |
Pasqualina Gho (1890 - 1955) GEDCOM Note Eugenia Periago escribio: Pascualina tenía primas hermanas. Una en espacial la mas cercana de nombre Angela (Angulina) fallecida a los 93 años también vivía a en Castellazzo B. Tenía un hij... |
Paulina o Paula Gho (deceased) Corregí nombre de Paulina a Paula, ya q Viaje de Augusto a Italia 2000, Saca foto del lápidas del Cementerio Están juntas Isabellla, Paula y Pasqualina GHO |
Pek Lian Nio Liem (deceased) |
Poean Nio Thio (deceased) |
Gho Lie Siok (1925 - 2009) |
Gho Soen Hien [Hin] (c.1910 - d.) |
Gho Soen Thong [Tong] (1899 - d.) |
Goh Soon Tioe 吳順疇 (1911 - 1982) Goh Soon Tioe was a pioneer of Singapore’s classical music scene. He came to Singapore at 13. He only started violin lessons at 15, but showed great promise, and in 1932 left for Switzerland to join th... |
Gho Soen Tong - 'Capitein der Chinezen', Padang (1952 - d.) |
Gho Som Nio (b. - 1933) |
Gho Song Yan (deceased) |
Tan Tjeng Lian (deceased) |
TERESA GHO (deceased) |
Tian Gho (deceased) |
Gho Tiauw Liang (deceased) |
Kho Tilly Nio (deceased) |
Gho Tjaij Bo (deceased) |