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About the Ramos surname

The Ramos name originated from Spain.

1) Branches or offshoots, olive branch 2) palms or palm branches, from "Domingo dos Ramos," a Catholic feast day known as Sunday of the Palms or Palm Sunday

Ramos is the 20th most common Hispanic surname


Feb 6, 2010

This blog is written with the idea of providing a means to get started in this study. It is by no means an effort to answer every question or give you all the proof you need. To truly understand, you need to do some research on your own. Most of the Scriptures quoted are from a Hebraic mind set Tanack(old testament bible) and from the Peshitta Aramaic to English translation of the Renewed Covenant(new testament).

THE LAST NAME RAMOS (NETZER , BRANCH). The oldest use of family or surnames is unclear. Surnames have arisen in cultures with large, concentrated populations where single names for individuals became insufficient to identify them clearly. In many cultures, the practice of using additional descriptive terms in identifying individuals has arisen. These identifying terms or descriptors may indicate personal attributes, location of origin, occupation, parentage, patronage, adoption, or clan affiliation. Often these descriptors developed into fixed clan identifications which became family names in the sense that we know them today. Other sources of surnames are personal appearance or habit, e.g. Delgado ("thin") and Moreno ("tan"); occupations, e.g. Molinero ("miller"),Rey ("King") and Guerrero ("warrior"); and geographic location or ethnicity, e.g. Alemán ("German"). With roots in the middle ages, Spanish surnames have been around since the 12th century.  Hispanic surnames can be especially important to genealogists because children are commonly given two surnames,  one from each parent. The middle name (1st surname) comes from the father's name (apellido paterno), and the last name  (2nd surname) is the mother's maiden name (apellido materno). Sometimes, these two surnames may be found separated by y  (meaning "and"), although this is no longer as common as it once was. Recent changes to laws in Spain mean that you may also find the two surnames reversed - first the mother's surname, and then the father's surname.  The exact derivation of this surname is in dispute, depending upong the family's origin (Portuguese, Cuban, Mexican, Brazilian, etc.) Here are the most commonly accepted meanings: 1)  Branches or offshoots, olive branch 2) palms or palm branches, from "Domingo dos Ramos," a Catholic feast day known as Sunday of the Palms or Palm Sunday.

RAMOS. ORIGIN AND MEANING RAMOS  Ramos The surname is very old and comes from the Castilian region.  According to Fernando González-Doria in his "Dictionary of arms and nobility of the kingdoms of Spain", the name had its primitive solar house in Castile. Etymologically the name is described in the work of Josep M ª Albaigès "The Big Book of Names" which is said to be alluding to the feast of Palm Sunday, and applied to children born on that day.From Latin Ramus ( "branch"), in memory of the branches and palms that greeted the Savior to his entry into YAHrushalayim(Jerusalem).

Who are the Sephardim? The Sephardim are the Jews who lived in Spain who were the founders and managers of many towns and cities such as Toledo, Andalusia,etc ...  Spain was visited by the Jews, which had been placed in good positions in all governments by "Christians" and Muslims. Yonah(Jonah) tried to flee to Spain (Tarshish). Jonah 1 3. But Yonah rose up to flee unto Tarshishmodern Spain)from the presence of , and went down to Joppa; and he found a ship going to Tarshish: so he paid the fare thereof, and went down into it, to go with them untoTarshish (modern Spain)from the presence of . History tells us that many of the Jews who lived in Spain were descendants of the Royal house of King David. The Sephardim were the first settlers in Cuba and Latin America who were fleeing the Spanish Inquisition, as they were been forced to embrace Catholicism Christianity, and Islam, as a result many Jews had to change or translate their last names for Spanish or Portuguese names and last names.  The same night that the ships departed for the New World was the last night that the Jews could remain in Spain. How great is the love of ELOAH for each door closed by men, YHWH open another in his mercy. 

As we study all the "ramifications" and or religious or per say scriptural meaning of the last name "Ramos",  we can't help but noticing "Branches" or"offshoots",in Hebrew "Netzarim" are the twigs that shoot off from a branch of a tree.  It is Hebrew from the root "netzer" meaning "a shoot". According to historical scholarship (for example Prof. James H. Charlesworth) he practised Judaism all his life. His followers were called Netzarim (Hellenized to "Nazarenes") that is Hebrew [it meansoffshoot (especially from the root or trunk of an olive tree) and is a name in the Hebrew Bible that is used for YAHSHUA Mashyach (Messiah).  Isaiah 11:1 And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Yesse, and a "Branch"(NETZER, (BRANCH "spanish" RAMO) shall grow out of his roots:  The "original root" of Christianity is "Netzarim"  (BRANCHES "spanish" RAMOS)Also, the first believers were called Kristyane (Christians) in Acts 11:26,  indicating that Greek Christians came to Faith in Messiah shortly after the Besora(Gospel) was first preached to Jews.The Hebrew word  "Netzarim" (BRANCHES "spanish" RAMOS) is a Prophetic term used by Hebrews to refer to both Jewish and non-Jewish  Talmidim(disciples) of Yahshua HaMashiyach.The name Christianos (Christian) came from a Latinized form of the Greek word "Christ" and was used as a designation of mainly Gentile believers in Jesus outside Palestine. The term was never used to designate the original followers of YAHSHUA.

Hosea 14:6 His branches(Hebrew Netzarim "spanish" RAMOS) shall spread,  and his beauty shall be as the olive tree, and his smell as Lebanon.  A clear fulfillment of Hsea 14:6. John 15:5 I am the vine, ye are thebranches(Hebrew Netzarim "spanish" RAMOS): He that abideth in me, and I in him,  the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. 

Acts 24:5 For we have found this man a pestilent fellow, and a mover of sedition among all the Jews throughout the world,  and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes(H=Netzarim E=Branches S=Ramos):

Aramaic Peshitta. Matthew 2:23 And he came and dwelt in the city that is called Nasrath, so that might be fulfilled the thing which was spoken by the prophet,  that "He will be called a Nasraya".( Hebrew Netzer which means "young shoot or sprout" A closer look at Isaish 11:1-4 reveals the "Spirtual Branches"(RAMOS) of th Menorah as attributes of Mashiyach. Netzer is the basis for the name Nazareth, which at that time was a very small village in the Land of Israel. Other prophets revelal Mashiyach as the "Branch"(EL RAMO) but use the Hebrew tzemach, thus eliminating the obvious wordplay here by Matthew. The prophet Daniel also uses the word netzer, but not in the context of Messianic prophecy. 

What is something that contains the number Seven and it has "Branches"(NETZARIM spanish RAMOS)?  Here's a hint, it was something that was inside the Temple that was as tall as a person, made of pure gold, and had seven "Branches"(RAMOS)? Yes, the Menorah! The Menorah is beautifully made from one talent (56kg or 125lbs) of pure gold, it requires "pure olive oil", provides light, it stood eighteen tefachim high which is approx. 1.6 meters or 5 feet 3 inches, it is extremely finely crafted with Seven Lamps, Bowls," Branches"(RAMOS), and it has decorative handles or "knops", Almonds and Flowers.  It was a perpetual light source located inside the HOLY PLACE. Below is a diagram of the Menorah with the Seven Attributes on each "Branch"(RAMO) as mentioned in the Scriptures.

OLIVE BRANCH "spanish" RAMO THE OLIVO) "Olive branch",in allusion to the story of Noah in Beresheet-Gen. 8:1,  in which a dove returns with an olive branch after the Flood).

Hosea 14:6 His branches(Hebrew Netzarim "spanish" RAMOS) shall spread, and his beauty shall be as the OLIVE tree, and his smell as Lebanon. 

The Catholic feast day known as Sunday of the Palms or Palm Sunday(spanish DOMINGO DE RAMOS) also have it's roots in the Renewed Covenant(New Testament) .

John 12:13 Took branches (NETZARIM spanish RAMOS) of palm trees, and went forth to meet him, and cried, Hosanna:  Blessed is the King of Yisrael that cometh in the name of Yahweh, YHWH.