Sauvageau surname is Old French diminutive nickname from Latin Sylvatici, a nickname meaning a wild person (pagan) or one from the woods. The family is said to have originated in either Champagne or Burgundy where they where the King's Foresters, much of the family, prior to their moving to New France lived in Touraine France in places near Tours along the River Sartre near a placeonce called Croix de Sauvageau- the road's name has been changed to Savinier where it crosses a road named Maisonneuve (Renee, brother of Claude Sauvageau was also known as Sauvageau de Maissonneuve). Immediately prior to their migration they lived in the village of Marcay sur esves where the ancient church of St. Martin is located. In pagan times said village was dedicated to Mars the Roman god of war.