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Schultz Genealogy and Schultz Family History Information

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  • Adelina Lorkin (1867 - 1946)
    Daughter of Friedrich Schulz (1839-1914) and Ernestine Augusta Schulz (nee Meier) (1828-1896). Arrived in Australia with her family on board the Herschel on 7 March 1872, aged 4. Wife of Ferdinand ...
  • Albert "Bud" Schultz (deceased)
    Albert "Bud" Schultz, played basketball at Michigan Tech (1944)
  • Liz Claiborne (1929 - 2007)
    Married 1: Ben schultz in 1950; married 2: Arthur "Art" Ortenbert in 1957. In addition to Mr. Ortenberg, she is survived by a son from her first marriage, Alexander G. Schultz, a jazz guitarist who li...
  • Anna Maria Barbara Groethausen (1734 - 1797)
    GEDCOM Source ===@R900372580@ Württemberg, Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1500-1985 Operations, Inc. 1,61023::0 1,61023::4223626=== GEDCOM Source ===@R900...
  • Anna Schultz (1860 - d.)

About the Schultz surname

Schultz kommer fra "Schultheiß", og igjen fra gammel høytysk som "sculdheizo". Det er en tittel, omtrent som en fogd. Oppgaven for en "schulze" var å kreve inn skatt til herren. Senere ble tittelen gjeldene som en slags "ordfører" for en landsby.

I kantonen Luzern i Sveits, var tittelen Schultheiss i bruk helt frem til 2007.

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