Schuster families may descend from either of the persons in the Byble called Et-Ter-Ra-Shawash-She identical with those called in historical records Sesóstris of Aigypt,likely ancestor of some of the etrusks too.
The first one namely was the son of A-Wa-Yen-Na son of Awab-Pat-Te ,brother of A'el-Awa-She-Ha , Ad-Ayada-Nawam-Ma and Ak-Ke-Te-wa-Ma having lived "on the islands " - meaning likely those between Australia and Japan where aynus (a-yen-na-wa) and related tribes were and are to find - ,speaking the languages of el Shluh',numida or nomád nation and of Ak-Ke-Ma-Te later called Aigypt itself .
The second one was a descendant of A-Ba-Nawa-Ma-Wan-Na or Aban-A'aya-Nawa ,identical with hyksós king Bnón,also releasing aban-tu or abo or ainu and numida and other tu-phoinikin nations.
Jews and christians call them Tarshish,Yawan,Yafet,'Elishah,Dodanim,Kittim ( Kemet ),Benyamin or Ben-'Oni.
See Schillinger,Zeman !
Balázs Déri