There are already 15 users and 2,299 genealogy profiles with the Staudt surname on Geni. Explore Staudt genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Abraham ws the son of Johann Matthias and Anna Margaretha (Schraeder) Staudt. He served as a private in Capt. Seder's Co., 4th Battalion, Berks Co., PA militia during the American Revolution. His wife ...
Birth: unknown Death: Dec. 7, 1941Note: Entered the service from California.Burial: Honolulu Memorial * Honolulu Honolulu County Hawaii, USA Plot: Courts of the Missing*Cenotaph [?]Edit Virtual Cemet...
Birth: 1896 Death: 1938Inscription: HDQRS CO 82 INFBurial: Liberty Veterans Cemetery Fresno Fresno County California, USAEdit Virtual Cemetery info [?]Created by: Thomas Record added: Dec 28, 2007 Fi...
STAUDT signifie "buisson en allemand" une petite ville existe en Allemagne et porte le nom de STAUDT
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