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About the Türk surname

Different türk peoples all may have come from the region of Tyros - previously called Sarrás as well - that first may have been in ancient Turkestan.

King of Tyros was Eirómos who ruled about between 1092 and 1058 b.c. and considered to be identic with the person called in the Byble Ek-ha-Wa-Ra-Ma king of At-Sayal-Ra,possible ancestor of some türkomán,then his son Balbazer to 1041,whose name may come from Ba-Alba-Azeer meaning albáns or azeeris now near Caucas.

Albáns in Kaspi region are said as well to have come from italian Alba which may be prooved by the presence of rutul tribe.

Azeeri name corresponds ti erzea in Mordva and zeaer on Mauria as well therefore it is likely that even the city Erzurum now in Türkiye was named after them : Erzea-Ewiróm.

As they are considered in the tradition to have descended from the dene tribe,it is likely that their dynasty spoke dagestáni languages which are similar to that of Den-Dzhong and Sil-Den-Dzhong,just like for example tséz tribe in Dagestan seems to be related to dene tséz-odtine.

After them ruled Astarymos still in Asia in Tarym region and other kings bearing the title astrat that may come from Asia and the name of mountain A'ar-Arat-ta , the highest mountain of the Earth.

Later a princess called Elissa - a possible late successor of queen Dido in relationship with dagestáni dido tribe - had quarrelled with his brother and about 937 b.c. went away to found Carthágó allegedly in Libya. This name also has erzea connections,while karatay tribe now speaking turkish language is considered to be of mordvin origin. Erzea in general descend from A'es-Ze-Nawa ,Zeus of Nysa in the Indian mountains called also Dionysos,son of Ganda king of kasshu,whose another son was Ak-ha-Gawa. A'eszenawa had an other name : A-'ad-Sab-Er-Gaya-Na equal to Sabádios at thráks. (Therefore I think either erzea or karatay must have been to some extent cheremis. ) Thus,Carthago is likely to be Karata-Haakgawa and its basic population spoke partly finno-ugrian languages and partly those similar to georgian,speach of levites of some tribes from Ganda related to lithuanian and slavic.

However I think,that this first Karthago was either in Polynesia and later in America on the territory where now salish people,people of E-lish-sa live,among them okanak-gan and lukun-gan as well.,just like frazer meaning fer-a-a-ze-er that is afer-azeer.

An early presence of finno-ugrians in turkish regions reflects for example in the name of the city of Kara-Ganda as well perhaps related just to karatays.

Also some of wesigoths coming from Troia and related to Turkios of Troia were called tyrfingi, that is türks and finns, referring perhaps to later tuarek using finag letters.

Turkios himself son of Tróilos and grandson of Apollón is ancestor of turki and still some türk as tu-i-r'k nations.

The name of river Ob is in local language Aes,from what we see that erzeas orginally lived near Ugra,but later the city of Gniezno in Poland may have also been named after them : Gan-ya-A'es-Ze-Nawa.

After defeat on Samaria of course everything changed and most of the tribes were outsettled to remote regions like Europe and Africa until this day.

Jews and christians call them Khiram,Tsur,Ozni,Gad,Khaggay.

Balázs Déri's view.