RMS Titanic

On the 14th of April 2012 it was 100 years ago the Titanic disaster took place.
This project aims to identify and list the survivors and casualties of the sinking of the RMS Titanic. In this Titanic centenary year the Titanic project will become an ongoing project with the aim to build all passenger family-trees


RMS Titanic was the largest passenger steamship in the world when she set off on her maiden voyage from Southampton, England to New York City on 10 April 1912. Four days into the crossing, at 23:40 on 14 April 1912, she struck an iceberg and sank at 2:20 the following morning, resulting in the deaths of 1,517 people in one of the deadliest peacetime maritime disasters in history.
The Titanic sank in the Atlantic Ocean , about 350 miles (531 km) southeast of Newfoundland, Canada

About the White Star Line and the owners

The White Star Line was originally founded in Liverpool in 1845 by and John Pilkington Henry Wilson , John Pilkington was replaced by James Chambers in 1863. The company's initial focus was on the Australian gold mine trade. In the early 1850's if you had sound ships and ran the Australian route, it would almost be difficult to not succeed. In one month of 1853, no less than 32,000 "get rich quick" hopefuls left port in Liverpool bound or Australia to strike their fortunes in gold. Australia's colony population jumped from 430,000 to 1.7 million in just 3 years after gold was discovered. The White Star Line went through several different ownerships in its 89 years of existence.

The Owner

John Pierpont (JP) Morgan. American financier and founding owner of the International Mercantile Marine Company. (IMMC) This company was the controlling trust and retaining ownership of the White Star Line, Red Star Line, Dominion Line, American Transport Line, and the Leyland Line. Although Titanic was actually an American owned vessel, Morgan kept the ships of his trust under British registry with British crews. This was in order to escape being accused of violating the American Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890. (The act that took down J.D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company) Most of the vessels flew both American and British flags with the White Star Line burgee. Morgan also owned US Steel, General Electric and numerous banks and other financial institutions. JP Morgan and company continues to thrive today (JP Morgan Chase) Morgan had intended on accompanying Titanic on her maiden voyage but took ill. He died shortly after the Titanic disaster in 1913.

The President

Joseph Bruce Ismay Managing Director of IMMC and President of the White Star Line. Ismay's father had owned White Star and passed it on to Bruce Ismay. Ismay was against IMMC's takeover of White Star but was out-voted by the WSL board of directors. Morgan asked Ismay to stay on as Managing Director of IMMC and President of the White Star Line; which he reluctantly agreed to do. Ismay survived the Titanic disaster and was ridiculed for the rest of his life by the press and public for not going down with the ship, although he was exonerated by the formal British and American Inquiries of any wrongdoing. He resigned from IMMC after the Titanic disaster and the White Star Line would not allow him to retain his position. He was apparently thought of highly enough to be asked in desperation in 1933 by White Star Line management to come back and save the company from a merger with Cunard. But it was too late to be saved. Ismay died at home in Ireland in 1937 at the age of 74.

The Construction by Harland and Wolff- Belfast

Titanic was built in Belfast by the shipbuilding company Harland and Wolff

Harland and Wolff was formed in 1861 by Edward James Harland (1831–1895) and Hamburg-born Gustav Wilhelm Wolff (1834–1913, in the UK from age 14).

Construction of the Titanic began in 1909. Harland and Wolff had to make alterations to their shipyard (larger piers and gantries) to accommodate the giant liners, Titanic and her sister ship Olympic. The two ships were to be built side-by-side. Titanic was launched in 1911. The next ten months were spent completing the interior of the ship.


The total cost of the RMS Titanic was $7.5 million (1912)

Technical facts about the Titanic

Click here to view a detailed cutaway profile image showing Titanic's, restaurants, staterooms, swimming bath, squash court, cargo holds, propulsion system, and much more click here

How many people were on the Titanic?

There are various figures quoted for the number of people on board the Titanic at the time of its sinking. Some sources quote 2207 people while others cite 2228. This is due to discrepancies, errors, and omissions in the original passenger lists.
The RMS Titanic project includes all profiles that could be found using several sources, minor discrepancies in numbers could occur due to a lack of existing documentation or records.

Quick Facts from https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/titanic/===

(Lost Saved Total)
1st Class1 123 201 324
2nd Class2 166 118 284
3rd Class 528 181 709
Crew3 679 212 891
Totals 1496 712 2208

The numbers on Geni are being revised

Includes 4 members of the Harland and Wolff Guarantee Group (all lost).
Includes 8 Musicians (all lost)and 6 members of the Harland and Wolff Guarantee Group (all lost).
Includes 5 Postal Clerks (all lost)

Passenger and Crew family-trees on Geni

As the team members added these profiles to Geni they have made an initial attempt to build small trees for them. In some cases this has been very successful, in others very little can be found. Some profiles have been linked to the big tree, and others have generated interest from people not yet on Geni. If any of these names ring a bell with you or link to your tree please get in touch with the co-ordinators. It would be great to expound on what we have found so far.

Lists of Profiles on Geni

A total of 2212 profiles have been added to Geni. 2210 were from Encyclopedia Titanica lists, and 2 extra's were taken from the Wikipedia lists. These have been organised into 3 spreadsheets which users may find interesting and useful.

  • Alphabetical List. The two "extra" profiles are highlighted in yellow. Maiden names, subsequent married names, aliases or any further notes are in the last column. Names are based on the Encyclodedia Titanica lists.
  • In ascending order of age. Ages are based on those given on Encyclodedia Titanica - the age of 4 people has not been established. The average ages was around 30.
  • Sorted on Origin or Place of Birth. These are as given in the lists. No adjustments have been made to take into account subsequent changes in names or regions. The codes used are based on IOC country codes where possible. In addition SCT = Scotland and WLS = Wales. Where the birthplace has not been established the place of last residence is used and an* added to the code.

If you have information that is different from that listed please contact the manager or curator of individual profiles with your information and these will be noted.

Summary of profiles on Geni

Undergoing REVISION

Total profiles added - 2216 2208 official - being revised
1st Class Passengers - 328 (official 324)
2nd Class Passengers -277 (official 284)
3rd Class Passengers - 709 Match Official Number
Engineering Crew - 325
Other crew - 576.

Crew combined 901 (Official 891)

Queries about Titanic passengers & Crew

If you would like to get in touch with us about one or more of the Titanic profiles you can either send one of us a private message or make use of the Titanic message board to read more about further developments of the RMS Titanic project see the sub-project Titanic Passengers and Crew: Further developments
The above sub-project shows a list of people who are willing to help deal with your queries.

Passenger list

The links* below are a full list of passengers and crew who sailed on the maiden voyage of the RMS Titanic. Blue links indicate that their profile can be found on Geni.
First , second and third class passengers as well as the crew and officers are listed separately.

Included in this list are the nine-member Guarantee Group and the eight members of the ship's band, who were given passenger accommodations and treated as both passengers and crew. They are also included in the list of crew members on board RMS Titanic.

Survivors are listed with the lifeboat from which they were rescued. Victims whose remains were recovered after the sinking are listed with a superscript next to the body number, indicating the recovery vessel

Passengers traveling first class:

The Titanic's first class passenger list was a who's who of the rich and prominent of the upper class in 1912. A single person berth in first class cost £30, the equivalent of £2,201 and up to £870 (£63,837 today) for a parlour suite and small private promenade deck. First class passengers enjoyed a number of amenities including a gymnasium, a squash court, a salt water swimming pool, electric and Turkish baths, a barbershop, kennels for first class dogs, elevators and both open and enclosed promenades.] First class passengers also travelled accompanied by personal staff—valets, maids, nurses for the children, chauffeurs and cooks.

  • There were about 325 first class passengers on board - 175 men, 144 women and 6 children
  • 202 first class passengers survived - 57 men, 140 women and 5 children
  • See Titanic Passengers - First Class

Passengers traveling second class:

Second class passengers were primarily leisure tourists, academics, members of the clergy and middle class English and American families. Although employed as crew members, the ship's band also had second class accommodations. The average ticket price for an adult second class passenger was £13, the equivalent of £954 today. and for many of these passengers, their travel experience on the Titanic was akin to travelling first class on smaller liners. Second class passengers had their own library and the men had access to a private smoking room. Second class children could read the children's books provided in the library or play deck quoits and shuffleboard on the second class promenade. Twelve year old Ruth Becker passed the time by pushing her two year old brother Richard around the enclosed promenade in a stroller provided by the White Star Line

  • There were about 285 second class passengers on board - 168 men, 93 women and 24 children
  • 118 second class passengers survived the disaster - 14 men, 80 women and 24 children
  • See Titanic Passengers - Second Class

Passengers traveling third class:

Third-class, or steerage passengers were primarily immigrants, hoping to start new lives in the United States and Canada. Third class passengers paid between £7 (£514 today) and £9 (£660 today) for their ticket, depending on their place of origin; ticket prices often included the price of rail travel to the three departure ports. Tickets for children cost £3 (£220 today)

  • There were about 706 third class passengers on board - 462 men, 165 women and 79 children
  • 178 third class passengers survived the disaster - 75 men, 76 women and 27 children
  • See Titanic Passengers - Third Class

Titanic Crew, Staff, Orchestra and others

  • Deck Crew - Officers, Masters at arms, Storemasters and able bodied seamen.
  • Engineering Department - Engineers, Boilermen, Firemen and Electricians.
  • Victualling Department - Stewards and Galley staff.
  • Restaurant staff
  • Musicians
  • Post Staff
  • See Titanic crew, staff and others

Ship's officers:

Longest living survivors:

Passenger lists from Encyclopedia Titanica

Demographics of the Titanic Passengers

Media :

Sources and references:

Suggested Reading

  • By Robert D. Ballard and Rick Archbold. A first hand account by those who searched for, and found, the Titanic.Story of the Titanic As Told By Its Survivors
  • By Jack Winocour. First hand accounts, photos and illustrations, and demonstration of 1912 social attitudes: all can be found in this book, with the addition of some chilling pieces of Titanic trivia. For example, before passengers realized how serious the iceberg truly was, they planned to hold snowball fights the next day! Down With the Old Canoe: A Cultural History of the Titanic Disaster
  • By Steven Biel. An examination of cultural and social interpretations of the sinking of the Titanic.

this project is in HistoryLink 
