Level Three: Understanding Man

Started by Ailene Nechelle House on Monday, August 3, 2015
8/3/2015 at 3:08 PM

Understanding Man provides natural and spiritual insight concerning the interaction of man and his environment. There is more comprehensive interdisciplinary comprehension of individual behavior and thinking, interpersonal dynamics, societal issues, and organizational processes. The comprehensive nature of understanding goes beyond what may be obtained through formal education.

An important factor in understanding man is listening ability. Many people want to be heard but few really listen to others. Many listen to respond, not to understand. It may be reasonably asserted that that much confusion and division in the world is the result failure to exercise listening skill. There are many voices clamoring to be heard above all others in the world. Not all voices are speaking truth. Individuals should be aware of the danger of voices and be able to exercise listening skill which will allow discernment of truth. When you are engaged in listening you are sharing the experiences conveyed by the speaker. When you share experiences there is potential for development of empathy. Empathy shows understanding of the speaker’s message. There is a reduction in assumptions and disagreements. When a person empathizes with speaker there is a willing to identify with the pain and suffering without prejudice. Usually, it is accompanied by altruistic or sacrificial love for fellow man; agape love.


Throughout history partaking (eating) food has been associated with sharing experiences; in addition to obtaining intimacy and understanding i.e. psychological bonding. It is evident through the customs and practices of society many people believe this process still has merit today. For example, it is becoming more common for businesspersons to hold meetings with food available for consumption, there is even a new trend of conducting interviews during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. An invitation to eat is considered an honor within many cultures, specifically the Asian culture. African-American culture is rich in the tradition of food preparation of food for Sunday and holiday dinners. In today’s society, more individuals and organizations are emphasizing the ‘family table’ i.e. encouraging people to eat their meals together as a family unit.

The origin and celebratory nature of reunions, formerly called ‘homecomings’, focuses on the ‘bonding’ effect from eating together. It is not surprising that food is considered an important part of any reunion celebration. The partaking of food is an outward expression of learning about individual family members. The partaking of food provides an opportunity to experience and learn about individual family members. There is an opportunity to live the heartwarming message in the movie, ‘Soul Food’. Partaking of the food is the learning and caring about the soul of the family, individually and collectively.

When the president of the United States hosts a State Dinner for representative of a foreign country, it is a significant diplomatic act whereby there is an opportunity to learn about the soul of a country and encourage better relations.

As a final point, when God said unto to Peter, “Rise Peter; slay and eat” (Acts 10:13) the command addressed the long-held prejudices and bigotry which existed between the Jewish people and Non-Jewish peoples (Gentiles). The essence of the message to Peter is division and confusion ceases because there’s understanding


Martin Luther King Jr, --- "I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood."

Coming To The Table --- http://comingtothetable.org/

Table of Brotherhood Project --- https://youtu.be/ZIn1z6fbTpE
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