export data from ancestry.com to geni.com

Started by Ruth Sandra Goldblatt on Sunday, August 23, 2015
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I am very new to this site. I'd like to be able to export my tree from ancestry.com to geni.com. I was told to download the chrome extension but I am not finding it intuitive. Can someone help me?
Thanks in advance!

You cannot import gedcoms from another site to Geni. This was allowed some years ago and there were too many duplicates. Geni is different because we have one World Tree, that is collaborative.

There is a tool called Smart Copy which you may be able to use to copy from a profile on Ancestry to Geni.

Private User?

Hi, Ruth:

The SmartCopy tool info is located here: https://www.geni.com/projects/SmartCopy/18783

Be sure to check out a few of the discussions, particularly these two which deal with (somewhat) just what you are looking for:
... and this one on the issues concerning copying 'location' information from source pages:

You don't have to export your Ancestry data ... you can copy it "a family at a time", which is very efficient, yet minimizes duplication of existing Geni profiles and the resulting merging.

You do have to "start with" an existing Geni profile to "build out" from as you copy the Ancestry data (or info from other sites that SmartCopy "knows about", such as FindAGrave or MyHeritage).

ok so I start in Geni and then go to ancestry.com and find the name there? I will play with this. thanks for the quick replies! much appreciated.

One more question please... I just joined geni.com but now I need to spend another 120 to join myheritage.com as well? I really need to join both? it seems like I get stuck at every turn unless I do. can someone help me understand the system or am I being incredibly dense?

MyHeritage is optional. You may build your tree by using information from other sources and also by merging with your family members that are already on the Geni tree. You can see some free information from MyHeritage but it is limited. You may use Smartcopy with Ancestry, FindaGrave and some other sites but not MyHeritage (see Smartcopy).
With a subscription, you can view the trees on MyHeritage, newspaper articles, and other information. You can also use SmartCopy to easily copy information from MyHeritage and add their profiles to your tree.
In conclusion, MyHeritage is a easy source to use if you buy their subscription but is not necessary to build your tree if you have other sources.
I also suggest that you try to integrate your tree with Geni in a very methodical way. Geni probably already contains parts of your family tree. I advocate copying a family from Ancestry. After it is on Geni, search for the father or mother of the earlier generation to see if it is already on Geni. If it is, then merge. If not, copy the next generation from your Ancestry tree using Smartcopy.
For example, I would copy my Grandmother/father Wile as parents of my father. I would then search Geni for my Great Grandfather Wile. If he is already on Geni, I would attach (merge) my Grandfather to my Great Grandfather. If I don't find him, then I would Smartcopy his family and so on.
Welcome to Geni,

It's a good thing to consider, but what I'm concerned about is what is going to happen to all these sites once they are no longer allowed to use such programming languages as JAVA, Oracle, and Flash. Windows 10 is supposed to discontinue their use, and most of the Genealogy sites use one of these languages for everything they do. Not sure what one Ancestory.com uses, though.

Does anyone know?

I have Windows 10 now, and anything done in these languages may or may not work when I pull it up now.

Wendy, A totally different topic than the one that this discussion is about.

Windows doesn't have any impact to what happens inside a web browser. The web browsers control what can and can not happen inside their application.

Java isn't going anywhere. There is a recent concern with the Chrome browser related to Java, but it's just a change that will require a new plugin for Java to work on the Chrome browser.

Oracle is a company, not a language.

Flash is slowly going away. Companies that use it will replace it with other technology. It typically only controls the user interface in areas that need dynamic graphics. Geni only uses it on the Tree view. MyHeritage does not use Flash for this.

In all of these, the data is stored in a database. Geni could replace the entire website tomorrow and no one would lose any data.

Busy packing to move, and wasn't really thinking.

Geni uses either Flash or JAVA for its tree maps.

and yeah, oracle is a company, not a language. Said the wrong name there.

Randy has been kind enough to give me access to Smart Copy and also moved some of my ancestors to Geni. I have found Geni to be very helpful in expanding my Ancestry tree. However, and I'm not technologically slow, I still can't seem to figure out how to copy family members from Ancestry to Geni. I have well over 2,000...Any suggestions appreciated. Thanks!

Ruth Sandra Goldblatt
Maybe it helps if you check some chains e.g. Levins, Krohnengolds, lipskys, etc
Morris Orkin →Jenny Orkinhis wife→Esther (Estelle) Levin her sister
→<private> Levin her son → Adele Karlin his ex-wife → <private> Gerson her son → Marsha Krohnengold his wife
→ Harold Krohnengold her father → Henry Krohnengold his brother →
Stuart Eric Krohnengold his son → Amy Beth Laurence his wife
→ <private> Laurence (Lipsky) her mother → Sarah Lipsky her mother
→ Jacob Kandelman her brother → <private> Kandelman his daughter
→ Ruth Sandra Goldblatt her daughter

re: copying from Ancestry to Geni:

1) Identify the profile on Geni which corresponds to a person in your ancestry data. "Copy" the URL (or just the ID, the long number in the URL) ... just as you would copy any other "text" (select it, then CTRL-C or CMD-C, depending on whether Windows or OS/X).

2) Switch to the Ancestry page corresponding to that same person ...

(... a little help from you folks which use Ancestry: what "type" of page should one be viewing? I'm not sure of the terminology ...)

3) Click on the SmartCopy icon to bring up the SmartCopy (S.C.) panel; you may be 'prompted' to select a profile from S.C.'s History; however, you should have a slot where you can "Paste" the URL-or-ID you copied from the Geni page. Click the button below that box to have S.C. start reading the data from that 'source' (e.g.: Ancestry) page.

4) Depending on what is on the 'source' page, you will then see all the details that S.C. found for that person and the related people which are also on the 'source' page (i.e.: parents, spouses, and/or children).

Go through that 'panel', selecting or de-selecting the information you want copied to Geni.

Then click the Submit (a large button at the top of the S.C. panel, or the small work "Submit" at the bottom of the panel).

Don't "click away" until S.C. tells you it is finish (that is, don't switch to any other program or select any other browser windows or tabs). S.C. run on your local machine, and if something changes the context away from that S.C. 'panel', the program may not finish completely ... and thus all the data might not have been copied to Geni.

Note: if you have loaded the SmartCopy extension into the Chrome browser (which you must be using!), then the SmartCopy icon will be in the "toolbar" at the upper right of the browser.

If you are not sure if the SmartCopy extension is loaded, go to the top-most menu "Window" and select the "Extensions" item. That will list all the extensions loaded into Chrome.


please grant me access to smatcopy

Ailene Nechelle House, please see your messages. Jim

Hello, can someone please share smart copy with me? I have quite the task ahead

Private User please check your Geni inbox for a message

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