Thanks, Pam!
Let's take one step at a time. The link seems okay. Maybe it's a browser issue. I have all the common browsers, MSIE, Chrome, Firefox, but my favorite is SeaMonkey, the current version of Netscape, developed by some Mozilla team members who - like me - didn't like Firefox.
Here it goes again, drawn from the Share Your Tree page:
Yes, I've seen many related surnames, and a few family-unrelated yet known ones. Jews from Krakow who emigrated to Sao Paulo, Brazil, in both WWs times kept in touch, so I knew many of them as a child/teenager.
For instance, there is a Leon Feuerstein here. I incidentally met him on the street last year, he is much younger than my parents were (they'd be 106 years old today, if still alive). Not related to me, however he used to sit beside my father at the synagogue, so I met him every year on Rosh Hashanah. He recognized me immediately. I searched on Geni (since the surname IS listed), found another Leon Feuerstein in the USA.
Now I'll keep this tab open, try the rest, and come back here to report my results.
Okay, I've been to the JFK page (the airport too :-)) several times.
I see that I've already joined the project a while ago, found myself on Page 6, so I guess I've been approved. Four people so far have joined after me.
I got four e-mails from Geni saying that Oton Zagorc has completed merges on some people on my tree.
As I understand it, I'd have to add names/profiles from my tree, one by one. I saw the system helps in that, but it seems there is no adding entire branches at once. Is this correct?
Next, I wonder if there is a limit, a drawn line. I mean, though my parents, and their entire ancestry, as long as I could find them (1700s) lived in Krakow. However I am not a Krakowiak, unfortunately never been there, the closest I ever got was Zürich. Should I be in or out?
Then I'll be on the way... where?
I'd expect to fill in gaps, correct b/d dates, and connect unconnected branches, much like MyHeritage, however with a wider scope.
Some surnames on Dan's list that are related to me:
ARMER - My mother's sister first husband.
DEICHES - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
EINTRACHT - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
FISCHLOWICZ - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
FLEISCHER - Marek Fleischer, first husband of my father's first cousin lived here in Sao Paulo, left descendants.
FRENKEL - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
GELDWERTH - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
GENENDEL - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
GOLDSTOFF - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
GROSS - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
GUTWIRTH - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
HAUPTMANN - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
HEUBLUM - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
HIRSCHBERG - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
HIRSCHSPRUNG - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
HOCHBAUM - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
HOFFMANN - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
HOROWITZ - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
INFELD - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
JUDKIEWICZ - Found one and linked on MyHeritage.
KATZ - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
KATZNER - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
KAUFMAN - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
KORNBLUM - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
KRONENGOLD - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
KURTZ - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
LANDAU - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
LEINZEIG - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
LIPSCHUTZ - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
LORIE - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
MANSFELD - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
MESSER - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
METZGER - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
MUNTZER - Found one and linked on MyHeritage.
NUSSBAUM - Found one and linked on MyHeritage.
PITZELE - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
PUFELES - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
RABINOWICZ - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
RAKOWER - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
REISFELD - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
RITTERMAN - Six generatiions my ancestor, on my mother's side.
ROSENBERG - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
ROSENFELD - My mother's maiden surname.
ROSENZWEIG - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
ROSNER - Found one and linked on MyHeritage.
SALZBERG - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
SCHNEIDER - Found one and linked on MyHeritage.
SCHULDENFREI - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
SCHWARTZ - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
SCHWARZWALD - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
SILBERSTEIN - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
SPERLING - Found one and linked on MyHeritage.
SPIRA - Found two and linked on MyHeritage.
STEIN - Found two and linked on MyHeritage.
STEINBERG - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
STERNBERG - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
STERNLICHT - Five generations my ancestor on my father's side.
SUSSKIND - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
THORN - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
TILLES - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
UMLAUF - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
WEINDLING - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
WEINREB - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
WEINSTEIN - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
WEINSTOCK - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
WEISS - Found one and linked on MyHeritage.
WETZSTEIN - My grandmother on my mother's side's maiden name.
WIDMANN - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
ZELINGER - Found and linked on MyHeritage.
ZUCKER - Found one and linked on MyHeritage.
ZUCKERMAN - Found one and linked on MyHeritage.
Some surnames on Dan's list that I have met in Sao Paulo:
AUERBACH - Thomas Auerbach ives in the building next to mine, thiugh I suspect he has German ancestry. His wife (Hungarian) was my neighbor, we went to the same school when we were teens.
BAND - Silvio Band is the second husband of a long-standing friend of mine (born in Warsaw). Just one phone call away.
EHRLICH - Leopoldo Ehrlich was this same friend of mine's first husband, however his mother, Isabella was German.
CYGLER - Lesia Cygler (Polish) was a friend of my mother, here in Sao Paulo. Would take some local searching to find if she left any descendants here.
FEUERSTEIN - Leon Feuerstein, as mentioned above. I could locate him.
GRABER - Iliana Graber is a friend of a friend of mine. I think I met her once, decades ago. Two phone calls away.
KANTOR - Lea Kantor is the maiden name of a friend of mine's mother.
KURC (Polish spelling for the German KURTZ) - Rosana Kurc is a colleague of mine here.
LERNER - I know one Walter Lerner, and there is another one with the same name here. Sheila Lerner is the daughter of a late friend of my mother's, she is a well-known art curator.
OFFEN - Jadwiga and Karol Offen were friends of my parents. I recall they were present at my barmitzvah.
SCHLESINGER - Friends of my parents. I can quickly contact their sons. One of them married Lea Kantor's (see above) daughter.
SOBEL - Henry Sobel was a popular rabbi here, he celebrated my first marriage. Now living in the USA.
STRASSMAN - Victor Strassman is a famous surgeon in Sao Paulo. His parents were my parents' friends in Krakow.
TILLES - Friend of my wife's here in Sao Paulo.
So many people from Krakow moved to Sao Paulo, that every time I read "Kraków, Małopolskie" (= "Small Poland" in my very lame Polish), I wonder whether they mean Sao Paulo, Brazil. ;-)
If anyone is researching any of the surnames above, they can be found at .
I'd like to move all the data available there that is missing on Geni, and integrate it to the Krakow town genealogy, however this doesn't seem an easy task.