Sarah Hottinger
born 15 November 1791
died 12 August 1868
Query 1
According to her gravestone she is the daughter of Aaron DOVE. This gravestone appears to be a newish gravestone and in the media you can see another photo of an older worn gravetone.
She has two birth surnames noted - RIGGELMANN and BAKER - does anyone have any source documents for either of these names?
In Geni she has two husbands
1) Capt. Aaron Dove 1786-1848 married 21/9/1808
2) George Hottinger 1775-? (no marriage date listed)
Query 2
Her children to Aaron DOVE are born between 1808 and 1846
Her son to George HOTTINGER was born 15/6/1817 Reuben Hottinger
Whilst it is possible for Reuben to be the result of an affair whilst she was married to Aaron DOVE - she gave birth to a son Joseph Alfred Dove to DOVE 1 month before Reuben was born.
Are the dates on these two children correct? Can anyone provide documentation?
Query 3
Sarah had 14 children over a 38 year period from 1808 to 1846 to DOVE (and all the children survived til adulthood)
1) 1809 William Venis Dove - is he a twin to Mary?
2) 8/3/1809 Mary Mullenax
3) 1810 Judith May Yankey
4) 8/3/1813 Jacob Dove
5) 17/5/1817 Joseph Alfred Dove
6) 1819 Isaac Dove
7) 1820 Eveline Souder
8) 1822 George Washington Dove
9) 1824 Oliver Dove
10) 13/4/1825 James William Dove
11) 1834 Henry Riggleman - is he a twin to Ahab
12) 31/10/1834 Ahab Dove
13) 1846 Mary C. Dove
14) unknown Sarah Riggleman Aubrey
Can anyone provide documentation for these dates?
Jacob Dove also has two mothers listed on Geni
* Sarah Hottinger
* Mary Showalter
Query 4
Who is his mother?
Aaron DOVE has 54 My.Heritage trees.
Some have 3 partners
1) Mary Polly STULTZ
* Jacob DOVE 8/3/1809 twin
* Mary DOVE 8/3/1809 twin
2) Sarah BAKER (daughter of Michael BAKER and Elizabeth BOK)
* Joseph Alfred DOVE 1817
* Isaac DOVE 1819
* Evelyn DOVE 1820
* George Washinton DOVE 1822
* Oliver P DOVE 1824
* Hariett DOVE 1828
* Ahab DOVE 1824
* Mary C DOVE 1846
3) Sarah Sally HOTTINGER nee RIGGLEMAN (daughter of John William RIGGLEMAN and Barbara WETZEL)
* William Venus RIGGLEMAN DOVE 1809 twins
* Sarah Aubrey RIGGLEMAN DOVE 1809 twins
* Judith RIGGLEMAN DOVE 1810
* Henry DOVE 1824
Is it possible that the first 3 children were to ? RIGGLEMAN and adopted by Aaron DOVE?
Aaron Dove was married to Sarah Baker, but had several baseborn children with my 5 x great grandmother Sarah Sallie Riggleman while he was married to Sarah Baker. Sarah Sallie Riggleman eventually married George Hottinger. My 4x great grandmother Judith Riggleman Dove was the daughter of Aaron Dove.