I am starting this discussion because we seem to have some confusion in the family trees of the early Harveys of North Carolina.
Starting with Deputy Governor Thomas Harvey, Sr.. The notes in his about section place his origin in Snitterfield, England as the son of John and Mary Harvey of Snitterfield. The research references primary sources which match clues in his will and other documents and so this connection seems solid.
This means that he is neither the son of Virginia Governor Sir John Harvey (d. c1650) or of North Carolina Governor John Harvey (d. c. 1680), who married Dorothy Tooke.
Deputy Governor Thomas Harvey, Sr.'s will references four relatives: two brothers, "Robert Harvey of ye Heath in Sniterfield Parish in Warwickshire" and "Richard Harvey late of London." (Secretary of State, North Carolina Wills, 1663-1789, stack file no. S. S. 847, North Carolina Archives, Raleigh, North Carolina.) and two nephews John Harvey and Thomas Harvey, sons of his brother Richard. His nephew was probably the Thomas Harvey who married Margaret Harvey.
Based on this I have disconnected Richard Harvey (who is the brother of Deputy Governor Thomas Harvey, Sr.) from North Carolina Governor John Harvey and moved him to be the brother of Deputy Governor Thomas.
Now on to the Geni parents of Deputy Governor Thomas Harvey, Sr.: Currently we have John Harvey (before 1639 - 1692 in Virginia) and Mary Harvey "of the Heath". The dates and locations for the parents are almost certainly wrong, perhaps the result of a continued confusion with North Carolina Governor John Harvey. The maiden name of the mother is Tooke, which once again is probably from the same confusion, as the NC Governor John Harvey married a Dorothy Tooke.
The next generation, grandparents of Deputy Governor Thomas Harvey, are John Harvey and Mary Harvey "of the Heath". I suspect that these grandparents are duplicates of the parents and I think that the two generations should be merged together.
Lastly, Capt. John E. Harvey, Sr. of Virginia is currently listed as a son of Col. Thomas Harvey, Jr. and grandson of Deputy Governor Thomas Harvey, Sr.. This is incorrect because John, the real son of Col. Thomas Harvey Jr., was a prominent NC politician during the early Revolutionary War. See https://www.ncpedia.org/biography/harvey-thomas-jr
I suggest that we disconnect John E. Harvey from Col. Thomas Harvey Jr.
Would anyone like to make any corrections or additions to any of the changes mentioned above? If so then let me know!
Tamas Caldwell-Gilbert