I believe it's misleading to show that this family came from England when it is highly disputed and unproven.
I'm a Cherry descendant and have been collaborating for weeks with a close DNA cousin in Ireland, trying to identify our common ancestors. One of our mutual matches on My Heritage is also a Cherry descendant and has generations of her family traced back to Northern Ireland.
As this comment on Wiki points out, Irish immigrants came on ships from England. But that doesn't mean they were 'from' England in the literal sense . And in the About section, it's very interesting that one descendant made a trip to England to find the Cherry familly there and found nothing.
"There is no evidence that he was from England,2 although he apparently sailed from England (as did many of the Irish coming to America). (Young 3-5). [1]"
I'm trying to figure out how this line that is my direct line is connected to my DNA mutually matching cousin's Cherry line from Ireland. Everything I've seen so far in my Cherry research shows them having come from Ireland. Now, farther back they may well have gone to Ireland generations back from England, but I need to make the connection from America to Ireland that DNA is showing me.
My cousin in Ireland sent me this link. Sadly, they have few surviving documents in Ireland for genealogy purposes, but I set my search as far back as their app allows and many people with the Cherry surname show up:
Again, everything points to Ireland...