Shane Edmond Bignoux this is a very strange profile pic for " the free black Leendert Barendsz van Saxen" - from where is it sourced?
cf Leendert Barendsz van Saxen married to Johanna Claasz van Saxen (de Rijk)
Shane Edmond Bignoux this is a very strange profile pic for " the free black Leendert Barendsz van Saxen" - from where is it sourced?
cf Leendert Barendsz van Saxen married to Johanna Claasz van Saxen (de Rijk)
Hi Sharon, Sorry I've been away from my PC for awhile, trying to avoid Covid! Not sure why he would have dressed like that, but it was in the 1700's and bear in mind that the painter could have painted those clothes. Will keep looking for the source of the photo, I see that there is another profile for him using the same picture so will also check into that.
Regards, Shane.
Hi Sharon, you are quite correct that it isn't evidence of anything, but what it does state which I have not seen before is this:-Anecdote: Please note these pictures are not factual. They are the closest likeness to what these individuals would have looked like based on their ethnicity and social status.
Had I seen this before I would not have added the picture to the profile!
In a way it is a pity because I actually quite like the picture.
I will take it off as soon as I get a chance, if I find anything more out about the picture I will let you know.
Regards, Shane.