Years ago I worked hard to get my Windham line straight on Geni since it keeps getting mixed up on other sites. I'm from the line of Daniel Windham who was a brother of Amos Windham, but Daniels on my line and Daniels on Amos' line have gotten confused in some trees.
Daniel on my line was the son of Charles Windham and his 1st wife Mary who might have been a Turbeville. His full brother Amos has this info:
Maj. Amos Windham
BIRTH 11 NOV 1741 • South Carolina, Colonial America
DEATH 21 APR 1798 • Windhams Crossroads, Darlington County, South Carolina, Colonial America
He was married to Sarah McHugo and they named a son Daniel after Amos' brother, my ancestor.
This is the Daniel on my side and he is incorrectly connected her as a half brother of this Daniel Windham who is a son of Charles Windham and Catherine Wall. So I'm going to disconnect that.
Also, my Daniel's full brother Maj. Amos Windham is also connected here incorrectly, so I'll disconnect him as well. Amos Charles Windham and Maj. Amos Windham aren't the same person or have the same parents and the two Dainels aren't the same person or have the same parents. I know it can be confusing with all the same-name males in these lines.