Margarrett "Maggie" Hodges - Who are Margarrett Hodges' Parents?

Started by Private User on Wednesday, July 6, 2022
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  • Private User
    Geni Pro

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Any info would be much appreciated.

This was posted in in 2013. Hopefully it adds some insight and starts the conversation:

Something that REALLY puzzles me in this Hodges family line are the names "Beaver" (Mary BEAVER Hodges, dtr. of James George Hodges; Mary Beaver also named a son Lucius BEAVER) and "Callaway/Calloway" (James George Hodges named a son "Callaway" and Mary Beaver, dtr. of James George, named a son Columbus Calloway).

Possibly these names come down through Margaret Hodges, wife of James George Hodges. We have never found a family for her but DO believe her maiden name was also "Hodges."

Patricia Haile Kinsey - 2013

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