Susannah Reeves Reeves - was Susannah ReevesAfrican

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Сегодня в 8:55 после полудня

I know that our REEVES DNA indicates African heritage between 1750 and 1800 and that the line is from the Sierra Leone region. I have met a black descendant of the REEVES line in Fleming County, Kentucky. And, I have read a will of Benjamin Reeves (son of Asa) in which he sets his slaves free at his death.

my great great grandmother Mary E Reeves (and my grandpa Walt would say we were a Heinz 57 and even a little African) always said that we had African ancestors and yet, my grandpa never said exactly who. And, many pooh-poohed his talk, but now with the DNA report, there's no denying it.

Does anyone know about this? thanks

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