Gen. James White Blakeney - Names and Connections

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Сегодня в 4:02 после полудня

If I'm looking at it correctly, this James isn't Gen. James White Blakeney. That person was his son with wife Mary White, thus the reason the son has the middle name White.

I ran into this working on an Ancestry connection, so I went to the FInd-a-Grave link and it shows this for this James Blakeney who was married to Mary White;

and that matches what is listed here on Geni.

But it's the son who had the middle name White for his mother's maiden name: The father, this James, doesn't have a miliatry title on Find-a-Grave and the son is listed as a Capt. rather than Gen. - a fact that is validated by the inscription on his tombstone that shows Capt. Jas. W. Blakeney (for James White Blakeney).

So, this profile should be Capt. James White Blakeney and there is a photo of his tombstone on his Find-a-Grave page:

Gen. James White Blakeney

and the listing for the father which is showing Gen. James White Blakeney should just be James Blakeney, based on what's on Find-a-Grave, where there is also a photo of his gravestone:

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