Hiram Kite Driggers - Inconsistency

Started by Debbie Gambrell on Saturday, October 22, 2022
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Profiles Mentioned:

10/22/2022 at 9:10 PM

I got a notice about the inconsistency date on this profile, stating he died he was born after his mother's death:

Hiram Kite Driggers had a birth date after his parent's (Susan Warren Driggers (Warren)) death date

I based his birth date on his Find-a-Grave information, which has his gravestone. His parents' death dates are listed on Find-a-Grave as unknown.


I built this profile back in 2020 when connecting some lines, but I'm not a relative. So maybe someone who is related and more knowledgeable of the lines would like to manage the profile and document his parents' death dates since they conflict with the info on Find-a-Grave.

Thanks in advance for any clarification / correction / assistance.

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