Data Conflicts - Burial vs Death Records from Vienna Jewish records in MyHeritage

Started by Wolf-Erich Eckstein on today

About two years ago MyHeritage got an Index of Vienna Jewish records, Birth, Marriage and DEATH records. But they labeled the Death records as Burial records! (I know, why: GenTeam labeled them this way: (Begräbnisse=Sterbefälle=Ableben) Burial, death ... records).
The problem is: When such a record is connected with GENI, a data conflict comes up between the date from My Heritage and the correct date.
I mostly organized this index and tried to inform MyHeritage about this mistake, but without success. It should be done!
Julie Fuchs-Neumann
Österreich, Wien, Jüdische Lebensdaten, 1835-1938
Aufzeichnungsart: Burial
Geburt (impliziert): ca. 1854

  1. Erdbestattung: 6. Aug. 1934 - Vienna, Austria (Wien, Österreich)

Julie Fuchs
Weltweites jüdisches Bestattungsregister von JewishGen
Geburt: ca. 1854

  1. Tod: 6. Aug. 1934 - Letzter Wohnort
  2. Erdbestattung: 8. Aug. 1934 - Wiener Zentralfriedhof, Vienna, Austria

Wolf-Erich Eckstein, Vienna, Austria - curator

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