Dorcas Watson (Gardner) - Marriage Date

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Family Search lists the marriage of Dorcas & John as before Nov 7, 1673, when Dorcas was 17 years old. Their first son, John Watson, was born in 1676.
The marriage date of 1669 would mean Dorcas was 13 y.o. at marriage, their first son being born 4 years after their marriage.

Updated marriage date.

17 "John Watson."

The marriage of Dorcas Gardiner and John Watson must have occurred previously to Nov. 7, 1673, inasmuch as at that time they were witnesses together, apparently as husband and wife, to a deed from her brother George to her brother Nicholas. It has been surmised that they were married as early as 1670, but that is unlikely, if Nicholas, her brother next older, was accurate in testifying that he was about fiftyseven years old in 171 1. Dorcas must have died sometime previously to 1702, as, on August 4 of that year, John Watson and his wife Rebecca deeded all his farm of ninety acres, orchard, housing, etc., to his son, John.

John Watson, at an early day, settled, on a farm, on Tov.'er Hill. "Watson's Farm" remained in the family for five generations and many of its members lie buried upon it.

On April 8, 1692, at a meeting of the Pettaquamscutt Purchasers, John Watson and four of the Gardiners, his brothers-in-law, representing themselves as, together with Henry Gardiner, the assigns of John Porter, deceased, one of the six original Purchasers, appointed the said Henry their attorney to sign an agreement. John Watson died in 1728.

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