Martin Armstrong - So many Armstrongs

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As of 11 May 2024, there does not seem to be any association between the families of Andrew Armstrong of Enniskillen, Northern Ireland, who emigrated to York County, Pennsylvania; and of Martin Armstrong of Clougher, County Tyrone in Northern Ireland, whose son James Armstrong died in Ross County, Ohio.

Quoting my email from earlier:

'Yesterday somebody tried to attach a second William Armstrong to the family of DAR patriot Pvt. Daniel Armstrong. After I disconnected him I went looking for where he probably really came from, and wasn't surprised to find an immigration record from 1808 (he married in 1809).

One thing led to another and now there's a whole family of Armstrongs that arrived in 1808, most of whom settled in Ohio. And this is where it gets sticky, because three of them married in Ross County, Ohio - the same county Daniel died in. Two children previously attributed to Daniel seemed to really belong to James, according to the immigration record.

I checked DAR and absolutely NO children are listed for Daniel, which is also probably wrong. I checked FamilySearch and the evidence for Daniel being the father of the children I think really belong to James is almost zero.

Daniel and James were cousins anyway so it doesn't matter too much but I think it's worth having another pair of eyes review this. Martin's profile has the full discussion, and there's a link to Daniel in James's profile.'

FWIW, the two confused families are from first cousins once removed. Daniel (Andrew's son) and James (Martin's son) likely knew of each other, so settling in Ross County OH as they did would be pretty natural.

We have an immigration record for a Martin Armstrong arriving in 1808 in Philadelphia, as a likely son of James Armstrong, who arrived a few months later with the rest of the family. This is likely the Martin Armstrong that has been attributed to Pvt Daniel Armstrong. Other confused children are William (which is easy to sort out as there are two of them) and Elizabeth, who married Joseph Alexander. Many web trees attribute these three to Daniel, but they all have immigration records.

From Martin (the son of James's) profile:

'Two ships arrived in Philadelphia in 1808 - in May, the Raleigh, and in August, the Louisa. Both came from Londonderry.

The Raleigh carried Martin. The Louisa carried a whole family of Armstrongs all headed by James. I've traced the children of James and found that with two exceptions (an 1809 and an 1811 marriage in Pennsylvania) they all married in Ross or Fairfield County, Ohio, starting in 1814.

Martin has been associated by web trees with Pvt Daniel Armstrong, who died in Ross County, Ohio. However, this seems to be solely due to location, and no other evidence than that. I submit therefore that he was in fact the Martin who arrived in 1808 in Philadelphia and is the eldest son of the James Armstrong family.'

Thanks for clarifying that the two Armstrong families were in fact related. That marked it harder to keep them separate.

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