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  • Ossip de Perelma (1876 - 1950)
    Ossip de Perelma Russian born Portrait Painter Born: June 14, 1876 Shabelsk, Russian Graduate of Imperial Academy of Russia Died: Nov. 15, 1950 Saratoga, Putnam County Florida Married Lyd...
  • Mary Cummings Hatch (1861 - 1939)
    Mary Cummings Hatch (Browne) Mary was born in 1861 in Newark, New Jersey to Matilda and Leonard P. Browne, a superintendent of a jewelry manufacturer. Browne was the eldest of four children. Her s...
  • Otto Freundlich (1878 - 1943)
    Otto Freundlich (1878-1943): A Life Devoted to Art and Activism Otto Freundlich, born in Stolp, Pomerania in 1878, was destined to become a renowned artist and a champion of the avant-garde. His journe...
  • Marian Steiner (1895 - 1972)
    Marian Steiner (Baldwin) Marian Baldwin Steiner descended from families that were successful in business, academics, and politics. As a young woman, she traveled and lived with her parents in Euro...
  • Lennart Segerstråle (1892 - 1975)
    Helsingin pitäjä > syntyneet, 1890-1899 Padasjoki rippikirja 1910-1920 (AP_I I Aa:21) Sivu 264 Kaukela Leponi Ojanen, Nieminen, Segerståle, Colliander, Harju, Lindgren, Vllenius, Toivonen ; SSHY / ...

This project is designed to capture artists (painters) other than Contemporary Artists, New and Modern Masters, and Old Masters that are included in other projects:

Contemporary Artists

New and Modern Masters

Old Masters

Painting is the practice of applying paint, pigment, color or other medium to a surface (support base). The medium is commonly applied to the base with a brush but other implements, such as knives, sponges, and airbrushes, can be used. In art, the term painting describes both the act and the result of the action. However, painting is also used outside of art as a common trade among craftsmen and builders. Paintings may have for their support such surfaces as walls, paper, canvas, wood, glass, lacquer, clay, leaf, copper or concrete, and may incorporate multiple other materials including sand, clay, paper, gold leaf as well as objects.

Painting is a mode of creative expression, and the forms are numerous. Drawing, composition or abstraction and other aesthetics may serve to manifest the expressive and conceptual intention of the practitioner. Paintings can be naturalistic and representational (as in a still life or landscape painting), photographic, abstract, be loaded with narrative content, symbolism, emotion or be political in nature.

A portion of the history of painting in both Eastern and Western art is dominated by spiritual motifs and ideas; examples of this kind of painting range from artwork depicting mythological figures on pottery to Biblical scenes rendered on the interior walls and ceiling of The Sistine Chapel, to scenes from the life of Buddha or other images of eastern religious origin.


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this project is in HistoryLink 


This project is designed to capture artists (painters) other than Contemporary Artists, New and Modern Masters, and Old Masters that are included in other projects:

Contemporary Artists

New and Modern Masters

Old Masters

Painting is the practice of applying paint, pigment, color or other medium to a surface (support base). The medium is commonly applied to the base with a brush but other implements, such as knives, sponges, and airbrushes, can be used. In art, the term painting describes both the act and the result of the action. However, painting is also used outside of art as a common trade among craftsmen and builders. Paintings may have for their support such surfaces as walls, paper, canvas, wood, glass, lacquer, clay, leaf, copper or concrete, and may incorporate multiple other materials including sand, clay, paper, gold leaf as well as objects.

Painting is a mode of creative expression, and the forms are numerous. Drawing, composition or abstraction and other aesthetics may serve to manifest the expressive and conceptual intention of the practitioner. Paintings can be naturalistic and representational (as in a still life or landscape painting), photographic, abstract, be loaded with narrative content, symbolism, emotion or be political in nature.

A portion of the history of painting in both Eastern and Western art is dominated by spiritual motifs and ideas; examples of this kind of painting range from artwork depicting mythological figures on pottery to Biblical scenes rendered on the interior walls and ceiling of The Sistine Chapel, to scenes from the life of Buddha or other images of eastern religious origin.


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this project is in HistoryLink 
