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  • Baruch Leib Rosowsky (c.1841 - 1919)
    Baruch Leib was to be the first Jewish student in the St. Petersburg Conservatoire 1865 -1871 Oberkantor at the Great Synagogoue in Riga 1871-1919
  • Nathan Schlossberg (1892 - 1955)
  • Cantor Aryeh Leib Schlossberg (c.1850 - 1925)
    - Cantor A.L.Schlossberg
  • Yosef Zeev Weisfisch (1866 - 1917)
    על פי רשומי חברת קדישא של הפרושים נקבר בהר הזיתים גוש אמצעי 2 חלקה ג שורה י"ט קבר מ"ג
  • Aaron Hersh Taub - Grosz (1892 - 1971)
    Took office as chazan to the New Rumanian Synagogue, Manchester (later the North Salford Synagogue) in 1931 and held the position for 40 years.

A hazzan or chazzan (Hebrew: חַזָּן ḥazzān, plural ḥazzānim; Yiddish khazn; Ladino hassan) is a Jewish musician or precentor trained in the vocal arts who helps lead the congregation in songful prayer. In English, this prayer leader is often referred to as a cantor.