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  • Hershel Leider (1953 - 2023)
    לינק לכתבה בד"ה: החזן ר' צבי לידר ז"ל הלך לעולמו החזן ר' צבי לידר ז"ל מלונדון הלך לעולמו בגיל 70. נודע כחזן מבוקש מהזן של דור החזנים הישן. היה צאצא של מרן בעל ה'ברכת שמואל' רבי ברוך בער ליבוביץ זצ"ל...
  • Cantor Moshe Eliyahu Frances (1903 - 1997)
    Hidden during the war he took the train once a week to work, risking his life to feed his family. Also pretended to be the non Jewish owner of the building to save his family and others Shamash of the...
  • Rabbi Yaakov Yitzhak Mandel (1827 - 1916)
    source: Descendants of Jacob-Izaak Mandel Possibly married at 13 (family mesora that his friends asked him whose tallis it was) Yakov Yitzchok Mandel yurtseit Jan 10 1916 or Jan 11 1916 which is hay ...

A hazzan or chazzan (Hebrew: חַזָּן ḥazzān, plural ḥazzānim; Yiddish khazn; Ladino hassan) is a Jewish musician or precentor trained in the vocal arts who helps lead the congregation in songful prayer. In English, this prayer leader is often referred to as a cantor.