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Project Tags

This is a country portal project, which is intended as a resource for users from a particular country. It may contain advice on how best to use Geni within your country, such as profile naming conventions, translation instructions, where to find genealogy resources, and more. You may join the project to contribute, or follow it if you only want to receive notifications of new discussions. Note that profiles cannot be added to country portal projects.

This project is to connect the Chilean trees, and to merge duplicate profiles.

Also it has the objective to persuade the managers to make public the profiles of 19th century (and earlier) people, and that minimize the quantity of dead and defunct profiles of the 20th century.
For instructions on how to use Geni, refer to the Geni Help Portal

Proyecto para entroncar los árboles chilenos, y fusionar ("merge") sus perfiles duplicados.

También tiene el objeto de persuadir a los administradores que hagan públicos los perfiles del siglo 19 (y anteriores), y que minimizen la cantidad de perfiles difuntos y privados del siglo 20.
For instructions on how to use Geni, refer to the Geni Help Portal