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  • Otto II, duke of Swabia (c.987 - 1047)
    II (died 1047) was Count Palatine of Lotharingia (1034 – 1045), then Duke of Swabia (1045 – 1047), and all the while Count in Deutz and Auelgau (1025 – 1047). He was the son of Ezzo and Matilda (a daug...
  • Leutharis I, duke of the Alemannians (bef.480 - aft.530)
    Duc d'Alémanie (537-554), Noble Franc, Edele Frank* Sources ==* Stoyan
  • Erchanger I, duke of Swabia (c.865 - 917)
    He was a missus dominicus in Swabia, and Duke of Swabia (915-917)."The Ahalolfings or Alaholfings were a noble family of Alemannia in the Early Middle Ages. The family rose in the Carolingian Empire ...
  • Conrad I, duke of Swabia (c.925 - 997)
    Conrad did not inherit the rule over Swabia through direct descent. His predecessor, Duke Otto, left no sons as heirs, so Conrad was appointed by Emperor Otto. Upon what credentials did Conrad qualify ...
  • Herman II, duke of Swabia (960 - 1003)
    (-2/3 May 1003). * The Annales Einsidlenses record the death in 997 of "Chuonradus dux" and the succession of "Herimannus filius eius in ducatum"[123]. The Annalista Saxo (apparently incorrectly) recor...

For naming conventions, see Medieval Kingdoms of Western Europe.

Swabia was one of the five stem duchies of the medieval German kingdom, and its dukes were thus among the most powerful magnates of Germany. The most notable family to hold Swabia were the Hohenstaufen, who held it, with a brief interruption, from 1079 until 1268. For much of this period, the Hohenstaufen were also Holy Roman Emperors. With the death of Conradin, the last Hohenstaufen duke, the duchy itself disintegrated, although King Rudolf I attempted to revive it for his Habsburg family in the late-13th century.

Dukes of Alamannia (506-911)

Merovingian Dukes

  • Butilin (539–554)
  • Leuthari I (before 552–554)
  • Haming (539–554)
  • Lantachar (until 548, Avenches diocese)
  • Magnachar (565, Avenches diocese)
  • Vaefar (573, Avenches diocese)
  • Theodefrid
  • Leutfred (until 588)
  • Uncilin (588–607)
  • Gunzo (613)
  • Chrodobert (630)
  • Leuthari II (642)
  • Gotfrid (until 709)
  • Willehari (709–712, in Ortenau)
  • Lantfrid (709–730)
  • Theudebald (709–744)

Hunfriding Dukes

  • Burchard I (909–911, Hunfriding)

Dukes of Swabia (911-1268)

Miscellaneous houses

  • Erchanger (915–917, Ahalolfinger)
  • Burchard II (917–926, Hunfriding)
  • Hermann I (926–949, Conradine)
  • Liudolf (950–954, Ottonian)
  • Burchard III (954–973, Hunfriding)
  • Otto I (973–982, Ottonian)

Conradine Dukes

  • Conrad I (982–997)
  • Hermann II (997–1003)
  • Hermann III (1003–12)

Babenberg Dukes

  • Ernest I (1012–15)
  • Ernest II (1015–30)
  • Hermann IV (1030–38)

Miscellaneous Houses

  • Henry I (1038–45, Salian), King of the Romans from 1039 and Holy Roman Emperor from 1046
  • Otto II (1045–48, Ezzonen)
  • Otto III (1048–57, Schweinfurt)
  • Rudolf I (1057–79, Rheinfelden)
  • Berthold I (1079–90, Rheinfelden)
  • Berthold II (1092–98, Zähringen)

Hohenstaufen Dukes

  • Frederick I (1079–1105)
  • Frederick II (1105–47)
  • Frederick III (1147–52), King of the Romans from 1152 and Holy Roman Emperor from 1155
  • Frederick IV (1152–67)
  • Frederick V (1167–70)
  • Frederick VI (1170–91)
  • Conrad II (1191–96)
  • Philip I (1196–1208), King from 1198

Guelph Dukes

  • Otto IV (1208–12), King of the Romans from 1208 and Holy Roman Emperor from 1209

Hohenstaufen Dukes Restored

  • Frederick VII (1212–16), King of the Romans from 1212 and Holy Roman Emperor from 1220
  • Henry II (1216–35), King from 1220
  • Conrad III (1235–54), King from 1237
  • Conrad IV (Conradin) (1254–68), also King of Sicily and Jerusalem

Habsburg Dukes (1289-1313)

  • Rudolf II (1289–90)
  • John (1290–1313)

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  • Medlands A genealogical presentation of the Duke of Alemannia, with citations to original sources. This is the preferred reference.