Documents for Great Migration: Passengers of the Arbella, 1630

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Immigrant Ships To America/First Families/Winthrop Fleet - Familypedia


Plymouth Colony

In 1630 John Winthrop organized a fleet of 11 ships to carry almost 1000 immigrants from England...

People: Philemon Whale, ll, Thomas Cakebread, Anna Cutler and 4 others.

Immigrant Ships To America/First Families/Winthrop Fleet - Familypedia

In 1630 John Winthrop organized a fleet of 11 ships to carry almost 1000 immigrants from England...




he Winthrop Fleet ************************************************************************ Copyright. All ri...

People: Katherine Cakebread, William Cakebread, Anna Cutler and 4 others.

Bigelow, John (1) and the Winthrop Fleet = winthrop.htm

It is presumed that John1 Bigelow arrived in America with the Winthrop Fleet in 1630. This cannot be proven as no com...

Winthrop Fleet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Winthrop Fleet was a group of 11 ships led by John Winthrop that carried about 1000 Puritans plus livestock and p...

Arbella - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Arbella or Arabella[1] was the flagship of the Winthrop Fleet on which, between April 8 and June 12, 1630, Governor J...

Arbella - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Arbella or Arabella[1] was the flagship of the Winthrop Fleet on which, between April 8 and June 12, 1630, Governor J...

People: William Cakebread, Anna Cutler, Thomas Cakebread and 4 others.

Pilgrim Ship Lists Early 1600's Over 7100 families and 250 ships


MA, Maine, Virginia, New Netherland, New England

Pilgrim Ship Lists Early 1600'sNov 2007: ?Over 7100 families and 250 ships Good general ship list pages: http://web....

People: Philemon Whale, ll, Thomas Cakebread, Sara Whale and 2 others.

The Winthrop Fleet Sailed Arbella, Hopewell, Talbot,

April 8, 1630

Mass. Bay Company

The Winthrop Fleet consisted of eleven ships sailing from Yarmouth, Isle of Wright to Salem. Some sailed April 8, arr...

People: Thomas Cakebread, William Cakebread, Katherine Cakebread and 4 others.

1-12 of 12 documents