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South African Stamouers/Progenitors - Overview

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This project provides an informative overview of all the projects on SA Progenitors, & is NOT intended to have profiles attached to it. It is all-embracing and aims to have no political influences or connotations.

We pay tribute to all our progenitors & their descendants, who are more than bodies of data on a World Tree, but embody, in us, the Bantu principle of “Ubuntu” – I am because we are. The history of South Africa is a long road of interracial wars and domination, and where we are today is not yet a resolution:

There is a South Africa from which we have departed, a regime that we have conquered, an old order that is behind us. But there is a new South Africa that we have not entered. A new South Africa for which we continue to long, to yearn and to strive: the New Land of our dreams. And in between these two countries there is this time and place we are now – a land that is not the same as the land from which we departed in 1994, yet a land that is not yet the land of our dreams – a land between the two lands, a time between the two times. Rev Bongani Finca in 'South African Voices'

Often not so very clear cut where from or what nationality those that came to South Africa were from .
Presbyterians from Scotland to Netherlands to the Cape. Or ethnic Germans from Poland to the Cape .
Protestants from Italy or Switzerland to France to Netherlands to the Cape .

IMPORTANT to remember the countries we identify today did not always exist or had the same borders.
Germany a very good example.

Jewish settlers came from Europe ==Ashkenazi or Ladino -Spain and also North Africa or the Middle East or further east -- mostly Sephardic . but even that not so clear cut .

Another example - British German Legion . not all of them originated from modern Germany borders . French , Belgian , Swiss and Italians amogst them
The British German Legion, British Swiss Legion, British Italian Legion --

All Progenitors in SA

Progenitors from Southern Africa

Progenitors from Europe

Progenitors From Further Afield

Ethnic Groups and Origins

Indigenous pre -1600

Indigenous People of South Africa (San and KhoiKhoi)

  • Khoisan
  • Bushmen
  • Khoikhoi
  • !Kung

Nguni (See also Kruger 2 Canyons Tribal History) Nguni

  • Bamalete
  • Ndebele (See extract below)
  • Swazi
  • Zulu (Fingo · Khumalo)
  • amaXhosa The creation of the major political groupings of the southern Nguni area, the Xhosa, the Thembu,the Mpondo & the Mpondomise, resulted from the rise of particular descent groups, respectively, the Tshawe, Hala, Nyawazu & Majola to a position of dominance over their localities. The extension of their power was a slow process, beginning long before the more dramatic creation of the Zulu state in northern Nguniland, & continuing right up to the Colonial conquest. [Peires, JB. ‘The House of Phalo’. Johannesburg, SA, Raven Press, 1981. Print p23]


  • Basotho/S.
  • Sotho (Extract below) (Bakoena · Bataung · Batlokwa) See also Kruger 2 Canyons Tribal History Sotho
  • Pedi/N. Sotho (Balobedu · Mabelane) and Southern and Northern Sotho
  • Tswana Kruger 2 Canyons Tribal History


  • Tsonga Kruger 2 Canyons Tribal History -- includes the Shangaan
  • Venda Kruger 2 Canyons Tribal History

Settlers and Immigrants post 1600

Interesting Sources and Suggested Reading


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