Stolpersteine - Stumbling Blocks
Stumbling Blocks ('Stolpersteine' in German) have been installed in many countries in Europe.
Please refrain from adding profiles here. Add them to the appropriate child project and, if possible, add picture, precise location, date of installation and if available, media coverage (newspapers, TV video-clips).
This is the top-level Project; here are the child Projects (so far):
- Stolpersteine in Austria
- Stolpersteine in the Czech Republic
- Stolpersteine in Germany
- Stolpersteine in Hungary
- Stolpersteine in Italy
- Stolpersteine in the Netherlands
- Stolpersteine in Norway
The plan is to follow this format for each country that has Stolpersteine installed.
Gunter Demnig, an environmental artist from Cologne, Germany, developed the idea for these memorials in 1993 after having created several Holocaust memorial projects in Europe starting in the beginning of the eighties.
Mr. Demnig was inspired to create his project by words in the Talmud: “A man is not forgotten until his name is forgotten.” Demnig installs the stone into the sidewalk at the front entrance of the residence where the victim last lived before being deported by the Nazis. The 10x10x10cm concrete blocks with a brass face plate with the text (in the local language of the country in which the Stolperstein was installed): "Here lived [name] born [year] [fate] [date of death]".
Any victim, Christian, Romani, Sinti, Jew, Homosexual, Jehovah Witness or any other target of the Nazi terror, can be remembered by a Stolperstein in front of the last residence he occupied by free will.
And this includes people who survived the regime too. Our concern is to "bring families together" in commemoration. This is why living family members (for example children who were brought to safety or family members who were able to escape) can also have a STOLPERSTEIN laid for them. Source:
Mid 2012 more than 35000 Stolpersteine have been installed foremost in Germany and the Netherlands, but also in increasing numbers in: Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary and others. The Stolpersteine project is therefore the largest environmental, decentralized memorial of the world.
July 3, 2013 the 40000th. Stolperstein was installed in the north of the Netherlands near the German border (Oldamt (Drieborg)) while Stolpersteine were installed to commemorate 10 Dutch communists who were executed by the German occupation force after they were betrayed by their own countrymen for hiding Jews and Roma. More in the interview the WDR German broadcasting Services of North-Rhine Westfalia made with Mr. Demnig: Stolpersteine, 40.000 Schicksale and in the "Stern", a leading German magazine: Der 40.000ste ist ein Kommunist (both in German).
January 11, 2015 Stolperstein number 50.000 is installed in Turin, Italy for Eleonora Levi (Twitteraccount Stolperstein)
Beginning of 2017 Stolperstein number 60.000 is installed.
October 23, 2018 Stolperstein number 70.000 is installed in Frankfurt for Willy Zimmerer (Stolperstein No. 70.000)
'''December 29, 2019''' Stolperstein number 75.000 is installed in Memmingen (Bavaria) for Martha and Benno Rosenbaum ([ Germany: 75,000th 'Stolperstein' for Holocaust victims laid])
For iPhones exist a number of Apps for German cities. Available as of October 2018 are: Berlin, Hamburg, Bochum and Wiesbaden. Another application is the "Stolpersteine guide inkl swr2 stolpersteine".
Since May 2013 the website: Stolpersteine by Jung von Matt/Fleet exits. It can be downloaded to assist in searching and updating Stolperstein pictures and data Stolpersteine-Online. Many, but far from all German cities and villages are registered with Stolperstein information. Every day new Stolpersteine are added. The site is in German.
- The official Stolpersteine website (English)
- Gunter Demnig
- Wikipedia - Stolperstein
- Stumbling Blocks to Remembrance
- Welcome to the Czech chapter of the Stolpersteine project
- Stumbling Upon Memories (PHOTOS)
- "Stolpersteine" als Orte des Erinnerns
- Washington Post: In Germany, cobblestones mark lives lost in Holocaust
- Huge photo gallery of Stolpersteine images from Wikimedia
List of locations of Stolperstein installations by country and city:
- List of cities by country that have Stolpersteine
- Lijst van Stolpersteine in Nederland
- Stolpersteine-Online Interactive Google Earth map showing many locations in mostly big cities in Germany
Video - Movies
- Stolperstein (2008) 73 min - Documentary - 6 November 2008 (Germany) Director: Dörte Franke
- YouTube Stolperstein Doku – 2:54 - Uploaded Jun 6, 2010
- Die Stolpersteine: Geschichte und Zukunft: Gunter Demnig at TEDxStuttgart - 15:23 - Apr 30, 2012 (in German)
- Stolpersteine' (stumble blocks): Tracks and paths: Gunter Demnig at TEDxKoeln - 22:47 - May 14, 2013 (in German)
- Stolpersteine - Ein Portrait über Gunter Demnig - 4:14 - UniTrier Feb 27, 2014 (in German)
- Naomi Koopmans Jewish Amsterdam Tour Stumbling stones - 5:04 - Jan 23, 2014 (in English)
- Stumbling stones in German Streets by Judith Kelly - 1:54 - Nov 17, 2013
- SWR "Menschen unter uns - Ich bin da so hineingestolpert" by Annette Wagner - 28:42 - Nov 13, 2011 (in German)
- In Gespräch mit Anna Warda - ARD, Mar 10, 2018 (in German)
El Male Rachamim Holocaust Prayer - אל מלא רחמים, תפילת אזכרה לקרבנות השואה