The History of Macclesfield By John Corry
Ancient Earls and Barons of the Counties Palatinate:
Geoffrey de Constantine, Stockport Castle ( 1173) Earl Hugh Lupus D'Avranches of Chester, cousin of William the Conqueror, nephew of Gerbod of Flanders Matilda of Chester Prince Edward Plantagenet, Earl of Chester Hugh Bohun
Earl Roger Pictavensis de Lancaster Baron Hamon de Masci William FitzNigel de Haulton Roger de Stokeport, Stockport Castle Richard de Stockport ( after Henry III, not one of the original ancient baronies) Nigellus of Chester, Baron of Halton
Medeival Castles/forts: 1100-1300
Haulton Castle Stockport Castle Widnes Fort Stokeport Castle Chester Castle
The 8 Baronies: ( created by Roger Pictavensis in the time of William the Conquerer)
Warrington Newton Dunham Masci Manchester Stockport Haulton Monte Alto
Edward de Volberry Faconde Orre, Excheator of Chester 1261 Hugh de Clifford, keeper of the Wardrobe 1261 John de Breture, Kepper of the Wardrobe 1261 Thomas de Bolton, 1261
Lord William de Tableigh, of Knutsford Sir William Brereton 1590 ( Congleton) Sir John Savage KT 1572. " Sir Henry Lacy , Earl of Lincoln( incorporated Congleton ) ca 1290 John, Earl of Richmond ( Ed III 35) Congleton Great plague Congleton 1641-1642 Ranulph Brereton, KT June 1524 William le Vavasour KT ca 1282 Robert of Stockport kt 1282 Geoffrey of Cheadle kt 1282 John Deyville kt 1282 Humphrey Duke of Buckingham, macclesfield Castle 1450 Sir John Percival, Macclesfield 1502, Lord Mayor of London
In his will: Edward Tatton Ralph Davenport of Davenport WLilian Davenport of Bromhall Thomas Hyde of Norbury John Sutton of Sutton Reigneld Oldfield John Olpdfield his son Roger Rygge and son Thomas Sherygley of Beristowe William Bridgys John Pecche, KT Thomas Savage Archbishop of York d. 1508
Macclesfield took up arms against Richard III
Congleton Aldermen Alderman 1670:
Sir Thomas Middleton, KT " Jeffrey shackerley, KT " thomas Cholmondley, esq
Charles Manwaringe, esq William Venables Thomas Leigh Thomas Wilbraham Roger Manwaringe John Grosvenor William Grosvenor Thomas Salisbury Robert Vernon Richard Cotton, mayor