Genealogy Projects tagged with Carthage on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Park Cemetery, Carthage, Missouri

    This cemetery, founded in 1879, is located on 801 Baker Boulevard, Carthage, Jasper County, Missouri. It's also known as Regan Cemetery . Find a Grave

  • Bethlehem Cemetery, Carthage, Texas

    Location: Six miles south west from Carthage (in Panola County) on Hwy 315 to County Road 106 then left to County Road 108. This area is known as the Snap Community. This cemetery was established prior to 1875 on land deeded by W. R. Page. Several generations of early Panola County families are buried here. This is also the site of Bethlehem Methodist Church officially established in 1875 by t...

  • Ridgewood Cemetery, Carthage, Tennessee

    This cemetery is four blocks from the town square on Third Avenue East. Cemetery established in 1930s. Joined on the east side by Smith County Memorial Garden. Owned by the Town of Carthage, in Smith County, Tennessee. Find a Grave

  • Fairview Cemetery, Carthage, New York

    This was established in 1910 and is located in Carthage, Jefferson County, New York. Find a Grave

  • Carthage College

    Carthage College is a private college affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and located in Kenosha, Wisconsin. It enrolls 2,667 students. Carthage awards bachelor's degrees with majors in more than 40 subject areas and master's degrees in three areas. Carthage has 150 faculty. It is an affiliate of the Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium. History Carthage College was foun...

  • Rehobeth Cemetery, Carthage, Texas

    Four miles north of Carthage, Panola County, Texas, on Hwy # 59, beside Rehobeth Methodist Church. This cemetery is enclosed in a chain link fence and is well maintained. Find a Grave Cemeteries of Texas TX Gen Web

  • Bell Cemetery, Carthage, Indiana

    This cemetery is also located in 2 different townships. Part of it is in Ripley Township and part of it is in Center Township. When it first started it was called Bell Cemetery, but by 1890 it was only called Barrett Cemetery . Henry County History 1822-1906, Vol1 and 2 by Hazzard, notes the name of the cemetery as Barrett Cemetery and this book was published in 1906. History of the Bell Cem...

  • Battle of Carthage, Missouri (1861), US Civil War

    The Battle of Carthage, also known as the Engagement near Carthage, took place at the beginning of the American Civil War on July 5, 1861, near Carthage, Missouri. The experienced Colonel Franz Sigel commanded 1,100 Federal soldiers intent on keeping Missouri within the Union. The Missouri State Guard was commanded by Governor Claiborne F. Jackson himself and numbered over 4,000 soldiers led by...

  • Illinois Mormon War

    After Joseph Smith's assassination, the agitation against Mormons continued. The conflict escalated into what has sometimes been called the " Mormon War in Illinois ." Opponents of the Mormons in Warsaw and Carthage began to agitate for the expulsion from Illinois of the Latter Day Saints. In October 1844, a great gathering was announced in Warsaw. Although it was purported to be a "wolf hunt,"...