Genealogy Projects tagged with Catania on the Geni Family Tree

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  • La terra trema (1948 film)

    La terra trema (1948 film, Italy) Directed by Luchino Visconti Crew Producer: Salvo D'Angelo Written by Luchino Visconti and Antonio Pietrangeli Based on I Malavoglia (1881 novel) by Giovanni Verga Narrated by Luchino Visconti Music composed and conducted by Willy Ferrero Cinematography by Aldo Graziati ( G.R. Aldo )

  • Jews of Sicily, Italy

    The Jews of Sicily * Finding Jewish Roots in Sicily * Sicilian Jewish Family Names Tracing the Tribe* Jewish Names in Sicily SephardicGen The history of the Jews in Sicily deals with Jews and the Jewish community in Sicily which possibly dates back two millennia. Sicily is a large island off the Southern Italian coast. There has been a Jewish presence in Sicily for at least 1400 years and possi...