Genealogy Projects tagged with F1 on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Dutch Racing Car Drivers

    This project is specially for Dutch Racing Car Drivers. There have been 18 Formula One drivers from the Netherlands who have taken part in races since 1952. Max Verstappen is the most successful Dutch driver, as the only one to have won 10 races, one of the two to have finished on the podium of a Grand Prix (the other being his father Jos) and the one to score most career points. Dutch driv...

  • Formula One F1 drivers

    Formula One (F1) is the highest class of open-wheeled auto racing. Drivers from 40 countries have entered a World Championship race. Finland 9 drivers Kimi Räikkönen , 1 time World Champion F1 Keke Rosberg , 1 time World Champion F1 Mika Häkkinen , 1 time World Chamion F1 Valtteri Bottas Leo Kinnunen Heikki Kovalainen Mikko Kozarowitzky