Pelican Stadium/Heinemann Park New Orleans, LA: Pelican Stadium, originally known as Heinemann Park (1915–1937), was a sports stadium in New Orleans, Louisiana from 1915 to 1957.[1][2] Contents 1 Heinemann Park namesake 2 Tenants 3 Location 4 American football 5 Boxing 6 Demolition 7 See also 8 External links 9 Sources 10 References Heinemann Park namesake Alexander Julius (A.J.) Heinemann...
Gardner Catholic Cemetery, Gardner, Huerfano County, Colorado, USA About 3 miles northwest of Farasita and 1 mile east of Gardner on Hwy 69.
Back To Gardner Name Study =Gardner family of whalers operating out of Nantucket,=== Overview ==The Gardner Whaling Family has been traced back to Roger De Gardiano .The Gardner family were a group of whalers operating out of Nantucket, Massachusetts from the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries. Some members of the family gained wider exposure due to their discovery of various islands in th...
This cemetery is located on 101 Winter Street, Gardner, Worcester County, Massachusetts. Find a Grave
Cedar Hill Cemetery Also known as Soldiers Rest Cemetery, Vicksburg City Cemetery LOCATION 326 Lovers Lane Vicksburg, Warren County, Mississippi, 39180 USA PHONE (601)634-4513 WEBSITE web.vicksburg.org/vicksburg/Departments/Cemetery/tabid/70/Default.asHill Cemetery, a large cemetery at the northern end of Mission 66 Road in Vicksburg, includes the graves of many Confederate soldiers who died d...
The cemetery was established in either 1780 or 1785, depending on which sign you look at. It is located in Gardner, Worcester County, Massachusetts. Find a Grave
Pensacola Giants (1920) Negro League Baseball: Played at Moro Castle Park, Pensacola Florida (1921): Disclaimer: This project is not endorsed by the Negro Southern League Museum or the National Negro League Museum. I am grateful for their help to make this project possible. Abbreviations: N= Name DOB=Date of Birth POB=Place of Birth DOD= Date of Death POD=Place of Death FAG#= ...
New Orleans Ads Negro Southern League: Played at Pelican Stadium/Heinemann Park New Orleans, LA: N=Glover"Gus" Clarence P= Right Field, Catcher O= Messenger DOB 11/26/1898 POB=Newton,MS DOD= 7/18/1990 POD=Vicksburg,MS FAG#=155634521T=PG/ NOA N=Joseph Milton Gonzales Pardo DOB= 5/16/1896 POB New Orleans, LA DOD=12/1964 POD= New Oreans, LA P= Left Handed Pitcher. NT= Joseph Milton Gonzal...
Roberts-IOOF Cemetery Also known as Blackwell Cemetery, IOOF Blackwell Cemetery, Odd Fellows Cemetery LOCATION S Hwy 177 Blackwell, Kay County, Oklahoma, 74631 USA :Roberts-IOOF Cemetery Also known as Blackwell Cemetery, IOOF Blackwell Cemetery, Odd Fellows CemeteryLOCATION S Hwy 177 Blackwell, Kay County, Oklahoma, 74631 USA PHONE (580) 363-3826 MEMORIALS 11,991 added (92% photographed)CEMET...
Saint Johns Cemetery,Earleton, Alachua County, Florida, USA : Surname Index 5/4/2021
Cottage Hill Community Cemetery Also known as Cottage Hill Methodist Church Cemetery, Cottage Hill Road Cottage Hill, Escambia County, Florida, USA: