Genealogy Projects tagged with India on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Anglo Boere Oorlog/Boer War (1899-1902) POW India

    The purpose of this project is to gather profiles of these men who are on Geni and to share interesting tales and anecdotes about individuals. Please collaborate... INDIA More than 9,000 POW were held in the following camps: Camps and Cemeteries Ahmednagar : Cemetery – Fort Ahmednagar Cemetery Amritsar Camp for "irreconcilables" Abbottabad Bellary : Cemetery – Bellary Miltary Cemete...

  • South Asian Americans (pre-1965)

    This project aims to document the lives of South Americans of all ethnic groups in the United States prior to the passing of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, signed by former President Lyndon Baines Johnson. Profiles included in this project must specify the ethnicity (or an educated guess) of each person, rather than using broad categories like "Indian" or "Pakistani." This approa...

  • Inquisição Portuguesa (Portuguese Inquisition)

    O termo Inquisição refere-se a várias instituições dedicadas à supressão da heresia no seio da Igreja Católica. A Inquisição foi criada inicialmente para combater o sincretismo entre alguns grupos religiosos, que praticavam a adoração de plantas e animais e utilizavam mancias. A Inquisição medieval, da qual derivam todas as demais, foi fundada em 1184 no Languedoc (sul da França) para combater ...

  • India puranic/ vedic tree including modern royal dynasties

    The goal is to facilitate the creation of the grand Indian family tree. India here refers to "ancient" India and includes the entire Indian sub continent and parts of central Asia. >*The tree uses "Brahma" as the nodal point for starting the tree. Many parts of the tree are considered "mythical", but I have included them for now. >*Roughly 250 generations or 5000 years of Geneology is being cov...



  • Goan Genealogy Contributors (Geni)

    Goan Genealogy Contributors Goan Ancestry Goans are proud of their diverse ancestry and complicated as it gets, the good news is that they are one of the best recorded populations in the subcontinent. There are numerous people from around the globe who have contributed on Geni. Due to this collective effort, the documented records have now been visually translated here into branches of gra...

  • Ephraim family in India

    The Shakya in India claim descent from a mythical king Ikshvaku, who according to tradition was a son of Manu. Ma-Nu is the Indian "Noah" ("Nu" in Hebrew). It is likely that Ikshvaku is actually Isaac (Abraham's son and hence descendent of Noah) and in addition to the phonetic similarity, there are some similarities e.g. between the story of Isaac, Jacob and Esau in Genesis 27 . >And one of the...

  • India - British Colonial times

    The British Raj refers to the British rule of the Indian subcontinent, present-day India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Myanmar, during which period these lands were under the colonial control of Britain as part of the British Empire. Although Sri Lanka (then Ceylon) is peripheral to the Indian subcontinent, it is not counted part of the Raj, as it was ruled as a Crown Colony from London rather tha...

  • Governadores da Índia Portuguesa

    O Estado Português da Índia , também conhecido por Estado da Índia ou Índia Portuguesa , foi o governo constituido para administrar todos os territórios dependentes de Portugal nas costas do Oceano Índico à época do Império Português. De 1505 a 1752, abrangeu todos os territórios no Índico - desde a África austral ao sudeste Asiático - com capital em Goa desde 1510, e só mais tarde se restringi...

  • Place projects

    Place projects are projects on Geni that are focused of a specific geographical place or region. Places profiles are also the precursor to the upcoming Place Profiles feature. Place project portals Includes countries and kingdoms, and other top level place project. Geographical Australia Canada Europe Al-Andalus Austro-Hungarian-Empire Belarus Czech Republic-Bohemia Croatia

  • Indian Mutiny/Rebellion 1857-59

    Indian Mutiny AKA Sepoy Mutiny or First War of Independence Image right - By Henry Martens - National Army Museum via Attribution Wiki Commons 7th Hussars, charging a body of the Mutineer's Cavalry, Alambagh, Lucknow Bold links are to Geni profiles or pages. Others are to external pages. Date: 10 May 1857 Location: India Belligerents: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland East Indi...

  • South African Settlers - Indian

    Early Indian Settlers in South Africa This project is for Early Indian Settlers in South Africa. It is also a place where you can share links to online resources, tell other users where records etc. can be found and make queries or ask for help through the discussion facility. To participate in any project - you do need to first be a collaborator - so join the project. Project Help: How to a...

  • Mahanubhavulu

    This project is to list people who brought fame to Telugu speaking areas in the universe.* Kings* Poets/ Writers* Politicians of repute* Sports persons* Artists/ Artisans* Scientists/ Researchers/ Historians* Business persons* Social workers Indicate the relevant info in the ABOUT ME column, preferably info from reputed sources like wikipedia etc and include the link for the same. Some Prominen...

  • Roye / Moses / Samuels of India, Persia/Iran, Sri Lanka including those of Indian descent but living elsewhere in the world (USA, Australia, UK, Canada, etc.)

    Scope of Project Attempting to gain knowledge and fill out -- as much as possible -- information about my extended family tree which has roots in India but spreads its branches all over the world including the United States of America, Australia, United Kingdom, and Canada. If you or a member of your tree have any lineage going back to these families, please visit the project and/or get in tou...

  • Bollywood

    This project is for modern day Indian actors who star in what is known as "Masala Movies" and not such much the legendary actors from yesteryear (unless they are still acting in films today). Bollywood is the informal term popularly used for the Hindi-language film industry based in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. The term is often incorrectly used to refer to the whole of Indian cinema; it is only...

  • Sellers & Sailors: The East India Companies

    Thank you to Geni for making us their Featured Project for July 11, 2011! From the 17th through 19th Centuries, thousands of European men set sail on behalf of joint-stock companies to reap the riches of the Indian subcontinent. Trading mainly in cotton, silk, indigo dye, saltpeter, tea, and opium, these companies became the original capitalist mega-corporations as each -- and its royal backers...

  • Campbell Families of Jamaica

    Facebook group . Campbell's of Argyll who's profiles posted here are for research purpose only. Presently I have no proof they are related to the Campbell's who were in Jamaica. I do know that the Campbell families in Jamaica were from Argyll. Before settling in Jamaica, some were in Barbados. After leaving Jamaica some settled in England and the USA The ones posted here will be used for refere...

  • Portuguese Colonial War, 1961-1974

    Portuguese Colonial WarPortuguese Colonial War (Portuguese: Guerra Colonial Portuguesa), also known in Portugal as the Overseas War (Guerra do Ultramar) or in the former colonies as the War of Liberation (Guerra de Libertação), was fought between Portugal's military and the emerging nationalist movements in Portugal's African colonies between 1961 and 1974. The Portuguese regime was overthrown ...

  • Places in India

    Places in India=The Republic of India (Bhārat Gaṇarājya) is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by area, the second-most populous country with over 1.2 billion people, and the most populous democracy in the world. Bounded by the Indian Ocean on the south, the Arabian Sea on the south-west, and the Bay of Bengal on the south-east, it shares land borders with Pakistan to th...

  • Archaeologists - India

    DIGITAL SOUTH EAST ASIA LIBRARY, LONDON Cousens, Henry (b. 13 Sep 1854; d. Tunbridge Wells, 1933). Areas: India Notes:* Listed as having joined Archaeological Survey Department, 16 Nov 1881; in fact a letter written by James Burgess in 1883 indicates that he had worked for the survey since 1874; * After 1886 he supervised and trained Indian draughtsmen; * 'Toured Northern Gujarat in 1886-7 and ...

  • Pattamukkil Family..Niranam,Kerala,INDIA

    In the very beginning of Christianity in Kerala St.Thomas One of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ Landed at malankara near kodugallore at Kerala Around A.D.52.He established seven and half churches. Those are, Kodugallore, Palyoor, Kottacave, Kokamangalam, Niranam, Chayal, Kollam and the half church at Thiruvithamkode…………..ON his way from Kollam in northeast Direction he arrived at Niranam “...

  • Indian - arrivals in South Australia - Index

    Indian - arrivals in South Australia - Index Many families and some single persons arrived in South Australia, a free settlers State in the 1850's to 1880's.In working with these records it has been noticed that many did not stay in South Australia.They may have gone directly to the Goldfields, many appear in Victoria Australia and Queensland. This project will list these persons and profiles m...

  • Family History and Family Historian

    Hi all Relatives,Hope all good with you all.>>>> New Project Concerning a WEBSITE to be Created and LINKED to the Family Tree and related to the Family History, Work Status_Career-Path, Events, Photos of all Elders_Ancestors as well as Recent Photos of Family_Relatives_Friends_Acquaintances, Get-Togethers, Situations, Circumstances_Conditions and FORUM Discussions with a Separate Section Page d...

  • Indus Valley Civilization

    This project is about the Indus Valley Civilization of South Asia.==Summary====Notables====Timeline====Links, references and resources==*

  • 1918 lnfluenza Pandemic - India: Fatalities

    1918 Influenza Pandemic - India: Fatalities= Please add to this project any profiles of those resident in India who perished in the' Spanish Flu' pandemic of 1918. To participate in any project Working-with-Projects Working-with-projects-Step-by-Step ==="Spanish Flu" in India===The global mortality rate from the 1918/1919 pandemic is not known, but an estimated 10% to 20% of those who were infe...

1-25 of 36 projects