Split's Immigrants from other Countries by the Beginning of 19th Century and Their SurnamesAt the beginning of the 19th century, Split has seen a rapid increase in population by influx of people migrating from all over Dalmatia, the Apennine peninsula, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and some Mediterranean and European countries. They were doctors, administrative staff, music teachers, craftsmen, s...
Broad project to list European immigrants from any European country. From any European country and any date (Century). Everyone is welcome to collaborate and add more profiles.
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the Island of Rhodes. Introductory information by Leon Taranto. See his complete article on Avotaynu 2009: "From the Ottoman Turkish conquest of Rhodes in 1522 until the Holocaust, a vibrant Judeo-Spanish community flourished on this Mediterranean isle. In antiquity, a Romaniote Jewish community lived there. By the 1700s, Rhodes b...
Buongiorno. Vorrei provare a concentrare in questa pagina risorse genealogiche italiane, possibilmente consultabili via internet, dato che risiedo in Irlanda, anche se sto cercando (come molti di noi, credo) di rintracciare informazioni sulla mia famiglia. Se avete informazioni su anagrafi e altri archivi consultabili tramite internet, vi pregherei di aggiungere le risorse in questa pagina. ...
Esercito Italiano
Italian Heritage >> Experience unparalleled Italian culture by taking a virtual tour of Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel. >>>*]]]]]]
The following list is of notable footballers from Italy. This list includes living and deceased Italian well-known people linked to the world of Italian football that are present on GENi as well as on The English Wikipedia.
AMOROSI - Gaudio BASELICE - Cocco cAlucci CERRETO SANNITA - Ciaburri CUSANO MUTRI - Giuseppe FUsco FAICCHIO - Lavorgna MONTESARCHIO - Nazzaro PIETRALCINA PONTELANDOLFO - Magrini S. MARCO - Padre di Iacocca S. NAZZARO - Mirra mafioso TELESE TERME - Giamatti Airola, , Apice, Apollosa, Arpaia, Arpaise, , Bonea, Bucciano, Buonalbergo, Calvi, Campolattaro, Campoli del Monte Taburno, Casa...
Inmigración italiana en Argentina La inmigración italiana en Argentina se refiere al movimiento migratorio más numeroso e importante que recibió históricamente la actual República Argentina, superando a aquella de los colonizadores españoles y los descendientes de esa población que se asentó en territorio hoy argentino previamente a la independencia. Los ítalo-descendientes son la mayor comunid...
CAPERGNANICA - Vailati, Venturelli CASALMAGGIORE - Bastoni Corte de' Cortesi con Cignone - Isabella Rè DOVERA - Cambiè IZANO - Bussoleni Acquanegra Cremonese, Agnadello, Annicco, Azzanello, Bagnolo Cremasco, Bonemerse, Bordolano, Ca' d'Andrea, Calvatone, Camisano, Campagnola Cremasca, , Cappella Cantone, Cappella de' Picenardi, Capralba, Casalbuttano ed Uniti, Casale Cremasco-Vidolasco, C...
BAGNI DI LUCCA - Moglie Aiken CAMAIORE - Pelosi FORTE DEI MARMI GOMBITELLI - Iole Triglia MASSAROSA - Chiantelli VIAREGGIO - Bertacca Altopascio, , Barga, Borgo a Mozzano, , Camporgiano, Capannori, Careggine, Castelnuovo di Garfagnana, Castiglione di Garfagnana, Coreglia Antelminelli, Fabbriche di Vallico, , Fosciandora, Gallicano, Giuncugnano, Lucca, , Minucciano, Molazzana, Montecarlo...
Genealogía de las Familias Chilenas de Origen Italiano=* Inmigración Italiana en Chile * Chilenos de Origen Italiano * Presencia Italiana en Chile * Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Santiago * Inmigración italiana a Chile (1880-1930) La presencia de italianos en Chile se remonta a la época colonial, cuando misioneros jesuitas y franciscanos de origen italiano recorrieron el territorio nacional eva...
Italian people and their descendants in Russia
There are a number of people that have spent significant time researching people from Altavilla Milicia....viewing records on microfilm or viewing some of the more recent Altavilla records online, etc. The families of Altavilla Milicia overlap in many ways. Geni.com and this project is a great way for us to work together and combine all our research in one place and build an amazing tree conne...
CHIOGGIA NOVENTA DI PAIVE - Sangiuliano 16 july 2022 created Annone Veneto, Campagna Lupia, Campolongo Maggiore, Camponogara, Caorle, Cavallino-Treporti, Cavarzere, Ceggia, , Cinto Caomaggiore, Cona, Concordia Sagittaria, Dolo, Eraclea, Fiesso d'Artico, Fossalta di Piave, Fossalta di Portogruaro, Fossò, Gruaro, Jesolo, Marcon, Martellago, Meolo, Mira, Mirano, Musile di Piave, Noale, , Pian...
RODOSLOVLJE OBITELJI FRANCESCHI (de Franceschi) ==Povijest / History=====Podrijetlo prezimena, postojbina obitelji i njezin rodonačelnik===Obitelj de Franceschi pripada staroj lozi o kojoj najstariji podatci dosežu do Ravenne, odakle je jedna grana obitelji (Franceschi dalle Rose) prešla u Veneciju 1040. i naselila se na predjelu Giudeca - naknadno je na tom mjestu izgrađen samostan '... monast...
. . Project collects Performers of the First Tosca Premieres Greatest performers Persons are sorted on this page by roles and birth years . . . Puccini: Tosca Opera in three acts, Italian Music by Giacomo Puccini Libretto by Luigi Illica and Giuseppe Giacosa Based on Victorien Sardou 's 1887 French-language dramatic play, La Tosca Time and place: Set in Rome in the afte...
Italian emigration can be divided into two major periods, with about 10,000 emigrants leaving prior to the first period. Prior to the 1890s, a higher majority of Italian immigrants originally came from northern Italy, particularly from the mountain areas of Veneto, Friuli,Piedmont and Lombardy .After 1890, a majority of the emigration was concentrated in the mezzogiorno area of Italy— Abruzzo, ...
. Project collects Performers of the premieres Collaborators and inspirers Greatest performers Persons are sorted on this page by roles and birth years . photo: Bellini's-"Norma", poster for 1831 premiere . Vincenzo Bellini: Norma Opera (tragedia lirica) in two acts, in Italian Music by Vincenzo Bellini Libretto by Felice Romani after the play Norma, ou L'infanticide (Nor...
Guardia Lombardi is a comune in the province of Avellino, Campania, Italy. It is bordered by Andretta, Bisaccia, Carife, Frigento, Morra De Sanctis, Rocca San Felice, Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi, and Vallata. Early records from Guardia Lombardi date from 1809 to 1910. Microfilm images of these early records are currently being held in various libraries across the United States, with most currently...
Pinello - an italian noble family from Genua. Giovanni Pinello was born in Genua and came to Amsterdam for studies. He became friend with swedish students and later became a soldier in the swedish army and was later captured in Russia. He had a large family and became a member of the noble house in Sweden, Lived the last years in Svarteborg.* I am looking for facts about the members of the fami...
The project The history of the city of Modena contains profiles of people who entered its history and who created and are creating the history of the city.In the sources the first news about Modena date back to the war between the Romans and Boi who lived in the area. The center served as a military garrison well before the city's official foundation as a Roman colony. The city of Modena was fo...
Villa Valmarana Scagnolari Zen (Lisiera) in Lisiera, Bolzano Vicentino, Vicenza, Veneto, Italy The aim of the project is to connect the villa to its owners, families, important quests, and people who have had an influence on it. Please, join the project and add profiles. The Villa Valmarana (also known as Valmarana Scagnolari Zen) is a Renaissance villa situated in Lisiera, a locality of B...