Genealogy Projects tagged with Monte Cassino on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Anders' Army

    Anders' Army was the informal yet common name of the Polish Armed Forces in the East in the 1941–42 period, in recognition of its commander Władysław Anders. The army was created in the Soviet Union but, in March 1942, based on an understanding between the British, Polish, and Soviets, it was evacuated from the Soviet Union and made its way through Iran to Palestine. There it passed under Briti...

  • Battle of Monte Cassino

    Battle of Monte Cassino Part of the Italian campaign of World War II Date 17 January – 18 May 1944 (4 Months and 1 Day) Location Monte Cassino, Kingdom of Italy 41°29′N 13°49′ECoordinates: 41°29′N 13°49′E Battle of Monte Cassino Artists in Arms: Arts & Culture on the Trail of Anders' Army, 1941–1945, extended multimedia guide from The Battle of Monte Cassino, also known as the...

  • Monte Cassino Commemorative Cross

    The Monte Cassino Commemorative Cross is a commemorative medal awarded to all soldiers of the Polish II Corps who fought in the battle of Monte Cassino and the battles for Piedimonte and Passo Corno. After the capture of Monte Cassino in May 1944, the Polish government-in-exile (in London) created a campaign cross to commemorate the role of the Polish II Corps (often known as Anders Army) in ca...