Genealogy Projects tagged with Novgorod on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Grand Princes of Novgorod (Великий князь киевский) c. 859–1478

    The Grand Princes of Novgorod (Новгород). >>> From Vadim the Bold to Ivan III of Moscow. === Overview ===The Prince of Novgorod (Russian: Князь новгородский, knyaz novgorodskii) was the chief executive of Novgorod the Great. The office was originally an appointed one until the late eleventh or early twelfth century, then became something of an elective one until the fourteenth century, after wh...

  • Locality Demyansk, Valday Karelia, Russia

    Genealogy project for Demyansk and the neighbouring areas. In addition to this locality project, please register also to the larger entity, Finland and Karelia Project , that builds family tree in the whole Finland and Karelia. Please register also to the relevant village projects (list below). Joining projects: in the project page, click "Actions" > "Join project". Valday Karelia Demyansk ...