Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum====Is a project for the directors, professors and alumni of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum (1811–1843) in Russia.=== The Imperial Lyceum (Императорский Царскосельский лицей, Imperatorskiy Tsarskosel'skiy litsey) in Tsarskoye Selo near Saint Petersburg, also known historically as the Imperial Alexander Lyceum after its founder Tsar Alexander I, was an educational institution whi...
Rostock==== Rostock , or the Hanseatic City of Rostock , is the largest city in the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern), northern Germany. The city stands on the estuary of the River Warnow into the Bay of Mecklenburg of the Baltic Sea . In 2017, the town had a population of about 210,000, making it the third largest city on the German Baltic Coast. It has been, and ...
Lübeck= Lübeck , officially the Hanseatic City of Lübeck , is a city in he state of Schleswig-Holstein , northern Germany, and one of the major ports of Germany. On the river Trave , it was the leading city of the Hanseatic League, and because of its extensive Brick Gothic architecture, it is listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site . In 2015, it had a population of 218,523.The purpose of this...
The aim of this project is to collect profiles of individuals or families of Germans of Baltic origin. By and large this definition includes i) Germans who lived in Baltic countries and ii) Germans who lived by the Baltic Ocean, such as merchants from the towns such as Lübeck.=== The Baltic Germans (German: Deutsch-Balten or Deutschbalten, later Baltendeutsche) are ethnic German inhabitants of ...
Livonia= The aim of this project is to collect people who have born, lived, influenced or died in Livonia during the centuries under it. All the collaborators are welcome. Livonia is a historical region between the east and the west on the eastern shores of the Baltic Sea. Given the location the borders of Livonia have changed to an extent but, by and large, Livonia refers to areas which now co...
In the Middle Ages there was cooperation and intermingling between people living around the Baltic Sea. Nordic-Baltic-Russia Medieval Tree Collaboration project is a networking and collaboration forum for medieval genealogists in Nordic, Baltic and Russia. Please join the project if you have experience especially on medieval genealogy. Also everybody who is interested in this collaboration is ...
Stettin, Länsi-Pommeri, Puola Stettin (puol. Szczecin ) on satamakaupunki Luoteis-Puolassa ja Länsi-Pommerin läänin ( voivodeship ) pääkaupunki. Kaupungissa asuu päälle 400 000 asukasta, sen ympäristössä noin 730 000 asukasta. Stettin on läänin suurin kaupunki ja Puolan seitsemänneksi suurin kaupunki. Stettin on merkittävä poliittinen, kulttuurillinen ja taloudellinen keskus maan luoteisosalle ...
Hanseatic Town of Stralsund, Pomerania, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany==== Stralsund is a Hanseatic town by the Baltic Sea in the Pomeranian part of the State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern , Germany. The Western Pomeranian town has been the capital of the Vorpommern-Rügen district since the 2011 district reforms. With a population of about 60,000, it is the fourth-largest city of Mecklenburg-Vorpo...
History of the Copper Range Consolidated Company- The Copper Range Company (1899-1977) operated copper mines in Houghton County's South Range and in Ontonagon County. The second largest mining company in the Copper Country (after Calumet & Hecla), the Copper Range Company was the only one to survive the 1960s. In addition to mining, it owned and operated the Copper Range Railroad (1899-1973) an...
R-YP350 Y-DNA Haplogroup Project== R-YP350 is a Y-DNA haplogroup/subclade under R-Y9081 (R1a). Formed approximately 2400 ybp, with a TMRCA of 2300 ybp. It can be regarded as a Balto-Slavic subclade under R-Z92.The full path on the current YTree is: R1a > R-M459 > R-M198 > R-M417 > R-Z645 > R-Z283 > R-Z282 > R-Z280 > R-Z92 > R-Z685 > R-YP270 > R-YP351 > R-Y9081 > R-YP350 .