Genealogy Projects tagged with farrar on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Smith Family Surname Origin

    English and Scottish: occupational name denoting a worker in metal especially iron such as a blacksmith or farrier from Middle English smith ‘smith’ (Old English smith probably a derivative of smītan ‘to strike hammer’). Early examples are also found in the Latin form Faber . Metal-working was one of the earliest occupations for which specialist skills were required and its importance ensured t...

  • Ancient Planters: Farrar Family

    This project traces and documents the descendants and ancestors of "Councillor" William Farrar of Jamestown, Virginia, " Ancient Planter ." * from From Virginia Through the Southwest: Information about William Farrar WILLIAM FARRAR was the third son of John Farrer the elder of Croxton, Ewood, and London, Esquire and Cecily Kelke. He was born into the wealthy landed gentry of Elizabethan England...