Genealogy Projects tagged with geni on the Geni Family Tree

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  • TBD - To Be Deleted

    ATTN! This is Estonian only project!Siia projekti ma paigutan need profiilid, mis ootavad kustutamisttegemist on profiilidega, millel on duplikaat.kasutaja ja mida niiehknii mestida ei saa. Paigutan isikud siia, et vältida nende "tagasipaigutamist", mis tekitaks puus asjata segaduseHenn PLEASE DELETE 1 PLEASE REMOVE 1

  • Users who want Geni to move from Flash to HTML5 (Canvas, SVG, WebGL)

    This is a project for those of us who would like Geni to transition away from the old, proprietary Flash solution to modern, open standards like Canvas and SVG.Please feel free to post anything interesting on the topic, but keep everything civil. Constructive criticism is good. Belly aching and name calling is not. Please explain Who's on First. I have NO idea what you are talking about.Thank y...

  • How to use

    I created this project to help those who have recently registered with and do not yet know how to use it. I invite everyone to help new people on the website.I want people who built their tree and even joined the world tree to share their experience and methods in this project.

51-53 of 53 projects