Please do NOT add profiles to this UMBRELLA project for Autoimmune diseases.== ===Please add profiles to the project in the Cause of Death portal if an Autoimmune disease was the PRIMARY cause of death.======Please add profiles to the specific disease in the Medical Portal otherwise.=== Please see this discussion: Cause of Death Projects needed??? if you do not see a project for an Autoimmune D...
Please add profiles for those who have or had Lupus.==* If Lupus was a CONTRIBUTING factor in the cause of death, please add the profile to this project. If the PRIMARY Cause of Death was Lupus, please add the profile here: Cause of Death portal . * If no project (none as of 5/16/18), please leave a message/request in this discussion: Cause of Death Projects needed??? The Lupus Foundation of Am...
Diaphragm paralysis is the loss of control of one or both sides of the diaphragm. This causes a reduction in lung capacity. Patients with diaphragm paralysis may experience shortness of breath, headaches, blue lips and fingers, fatigue, insomnia, and overall breathing difficulty.The diaphragm, is a thin muscle (smaller than the width of a finger), which separates the chest and abdominal cavitie...