Genealogy Projects tagged with scotch-irish on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Ulster Scots people

    Who are the Ulster Scots? The Ulster Scots are an ethnic group in Ireland, descended from Lowland Scots and English from the border of those two countries, many from the "Border Reivers" culture. These people first began to occupy Ireland in large numbers with the Plantation of Ulster, a planned process of colonisation which took place under the auspices of James VI of Scotland and I of Engla...

  • Scots, Scots-Irish and /Irish Emigrant

    Please add your Scots Ancestors that also immigrated from Scotland to the US. Add all Scots-Irish and Irish ancestors so we can track their migration and work together and research their migration through America, Canada, and Novia Scotia. You’re welcome to add and edit our page as well. Scots-Irish is the American term referring to settlers who were born in or resided in Ireland, they have a...

  • DNA Scotland

    Please relate and index Scotland-based DNA projects here . Scotland DNA (alphabetically) Clan Henderson Y-DNA Overview References “Genetic map of Scotland revealed.” “Study reveals 'extraordinary' DNA of people in Scotland.” (17 April 2012) “More Detail for British and Irish Ancestry.” (MAR 15, 2023) "Scottish-Clans" - Surname Project

  • Huguenot Pettigrew Family of Ireland and South Carolina

    This project is to explore the Petticrew / Pettigrew families of Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, and South Carolina. Our family history is that the Pettigrew family of South Carolina are cousins to our Pennsylvania/Virginia/Ohio Petticrew family (also spelled Pettycrew in Virginia). Are these various families related? Also, are they Scotch, Scotch-Irish, Huguenot or all three?Before I ha...