he had two sons, both of which died in their infancy by wicked practises and sorcerye (inscription on the grave of Frances Manners, 6th Earl of Rutland)The Witches of Belvoir were Joan Flower and her daughters Margaret and Philipa, local herbal healers who were dismissed as servants by the 6th Earl and Countess of Rutland. The earl, countess and all three of their children soon fell ill and a t...
===Ban de la Roche witchcraft trials "... witchcraft trials in Ban de la Roche or Steinthal, a small domain in bilingual Alsace. Till 1620 only one such trial took place there and after 1630 the local lord prevented suspicions of pernicious magic to evolve into full trials. But in the years 1620-1622 and 1629-1630 this territory was rocked by two waves of criminal proceedings in which at least ...
This project is one which will link the prisoners of Robben Island from 1673-1834 to profiles on Geni. The information is from the transcriptions of documents of The Court of Justice at the Cape of Good Hope regarding convicts, exiles and prisoners.The documents have been transcribed by TEPC (Transcription of Estate Papers of the Cape of Good Hope). It was a joint project of the Universities of...